Quoting verses from the Bible to "prove" Bible infallibility, is like quoting a "news" paper as being infallible and inerrant. Obviously what men pen, is not necessarily "the truth." Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, obviously does so as a result of reading about Jesus in the four Gospels, but that does not make the entire bible, infallible and totally inspired by God. Virtually any LYING SCRIBE or public speaker can say such words as "thus saith the Lord", "God said", "God commanded", "God anointed", "God inspired" and so forth, but such words in and of themselves DO NOT prove that God is the author. The reason this is more than obvious is because Jesus Himself stated to BEWARE, because He knew beyond doubt that many would come proclaiming His name and put words in His mouth that He never spoke. Even Jeremiah stated that the LYING PEN of the scribes put words in the mouth of God, that God never spoke, as do many false prophets!, false pastors and false teachers. Is it not more than obvious that men are often LIARS and that they will do anything for POWER, CONTROL and free MONEY? In the story of Ananias and Sapphira, we read that supposedly God struck these two people dead over money issues and lying. It is such a contradiction to all that Jesus taught, that this story has to be pure fiction. Jesus came to SAVE and not to destroy, based upon His own words spoken to the two disciples of His, for wanting to call down fire out of heaven and destroy some folks. Is "all scripture given by inspiration of God?" First question is "what is ALL SCRIPTURE?" There are two books in the Old Testament that do not so much as mention God, and yet bible apologists will proclaim that all the writings in the bible are totally "inspired" by God. It takes a great leap of faith to believe that. I would rather hve the faith of Jesus Christ, than in the false idea that everything in the bible is inerrant and infallible, which it most certainly is not.
Answer: What men say is indeed flawed. Human thinking has errors all the time. The human mind does not work correctly without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. What God says is always true. God speaks to us. This is how we know that the Bible is infallible.
When someone wants the Bible to have errors, there is usually a reason. Here is another site visitor who thought that there were errors in the Bible.
You said: Quoting verses from the Bible to "prove" Bible infallibility, is like quoting a "news" paper as being infallible and inerrant. Though no such illogical method used on the page you are objecting to, you are correct in saying, 'Quoting verses from the Bible to "prove" Bible infallibility" is illogical'. That is, it would be a logical error were someone to do this. Some Christians do quote from the Bible to try to prove the Bible as infallible through logic. Of course, logic can only test for inconsistencies and can never be used to prove the truth of anything. Logic can only be used to test whether or not something is logical. If we have a concept, lets call the concept, A, and we have a premise, lets call the premise B, then we can say that we believe A because of B. Assuming that the logic is correct, why do we believe B? Maybe we believe B because of C. What makes us so confident that C is true. Well, it's because of D. This can go on until we get to one of three outcomes. At a certain point we could say that we believe in F because of A--that is circular reasoning. Or, we could say that we believe in F because it is an axiom, an assumption, something we just believe because we want it to be true. That is building the structure of our world view on nothing at all. The third foundation of thought is revelation, and there are three sources of revelation. The first source is the human mind. This is the concept of rationalism. The second source of revelation is demonic revelation and many of the cults use this second source. The third source of revelation is God. God speaks to every person. Some people listen. Most people do not listen to God because they do not like God. God speaks in visions, a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge, prophecy, through angels, through a word spoken by a Christian who is speaking by the power of the Spirit of God, through the Bible, and through any other method that God wants to use. I know some people who have heard God with an audible voice, but this is very rare.
(some caveats about hearing God's Voice) The page you were reading does not quote verses from the Bible to prove Bible infallibility, however. It says that the Bible says, "Yes, the Bible says it is infallible and it is infallible." Can you see the difference? This statement has no problem with the rules of logic. The page also says: "Many think that there is value in leaning on our own understanding, but no one has ever found an error in Scripture. Everyone has run into situations where there own understanding was in error." There is no logical error in this statement, though you may claim that someone has found an error in Scripture or that someone has reasoning that is never in error. You might even provide a Biblical error if there were such a thing. So far, every such claim of Biblical error that we have looked into has consisted of some form of lie. You say, "Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, obviously does so as a result of reading about Jesus in the four Gospels."
That is not true. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ in saving faith (not that He simply exists as devils believe that and tremble) believe with the faith of God--God's faith. This is an imparted faith that is received from God as a free gift. There are many voices. God is always trying to lead every person to life. Some people turn their attention toward God rather than listening to all the other voices in the world. When we turn our attention toward God, faith comes. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word (literally, utterance) of God. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ does so because the Father has drawn that person to Jesus. The Father knew ahead of time who would listen to Him and those are the people that He actually set into position ahead of time, just as a good project manager gets his or her resources in place ahead of time for the project. You go to quite an effort to make the point that humans are flawed in their thinking. The Holy Spirit agrees with you, since God has said this same thing in many ways in Scripture. Humans are flawed in their thinking as you said, but this is irrelevant to the question of whether or not the Bible has errors. Here is why: We are all flawed in our thinking. That does not prove that God is flawed in His thinking. That does not prove that God cannot or did not reveal His Word through men in an infallible way. (When we say, infallible, we mean that the words of the Bible have been preserved to us and that God can speak to us through the Bible in a reliable way. We are aware of the minor inconsistencies in spelling and grammar and inconsequential words when comparing the 10,000 original texts of the Textus Receptus. We are also aware that there are no inconsistencies that would make any doctrine of Scripture unclear. God gave apostles to the Church when Jesus ascended. These apostles were given authority and empowerment by the Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures and to equip the believers with the correct doctrine from the Scriptures. The early church changed the orders and patterns that God established in the beginning, however. As a result, the office of the apostle was lost to the Church and replaced by the chief apostle, the Pope. Later, in protestantism, God restored bits and pieces of the doctrine through men whom He called for that purpose. In 1948, God restored the office of the apostle to the Church, so there now exists an apostolic ministry consisting of men who have been called to this purpose and who determine the doctrine. Very few accept this, but every pattern of Scripture must be restored. You stated that there are two books in the Old Testament that do not so much s mention God. Then you imply that a book that does not mention God could not be inspired by God. That does not follow. There is nothing in the fact that a book does not mention God that would prevent that book from being inspired by God. In other words, your statement is irrelevant. You stated that it would take a great leap of faith to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Faith does not leap. To avoid a confusion around the use of the word, faith, let me say that biblical faith is not the same as worldly pseudo-faith. The word faith means belief. Real faith is a specific type of belief. It is a supernatural belief in the truth. If I place my human pseudo-faith in God or in Jesus, that is useless. I need the faith of God, the faith that comes from God. I need God's faith, the faith of God. God speaks. God communicates. When God speaks, then I can hear Him. When God speaks and I hear Him, then faith comes, that is, the faith of God. It is God's faith. It is not a counterfeit pseudo-faith that I have manufactured. You stated, "I would rather place FAITH in Jesus Christ, than in..." Of course, you made a statement after that part of your sentence which you had failed to prove. I will tell you that I would rather receive the faith of God from God, which only come by an utterance of God, than a rationalized human-generated pseudo-faith in anything.
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price
Last updated: Jan, 2013
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