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Discerning Christ In Your Brother or Sister, the Gifts, Ministries, Offices, and Ordinances of the Body of Christ


Discerning the Body of Christ is righteousness. "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth to a holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. (Eph 2:19-22)

We are stones in the temple (Church) of which God is speaking here. (1Pet 2:5) This Church is Christ the Body. If you are in the Body of Christ, you are in Christ. There is that which is Christ (the Body) and that which is not Christ (the Body). That which is not the Church is the world. The two are in conflict and cannot be reconciled. We have things in our lives that are Christ and things that have to go that are not Christ. (Eph 4:23)

When you get angry with a fellow believer, do you see their flesh or their ministry (the Christ in them)?

Suppose it is your spouse or your offspring. Suppose it is a member of your local assembly. Suppose it is another Christian you have dealings with.

When you get angry, it is because you see their flesh rather than who they are in Christ. You were deceived because you saw them as being the flesh. (2Cor 5:16)

They have the flesh, but they are not the flesh. They are the ministry--Christ in them. That is reality.

Because of this lie, you slipped into anger. If you believed the lie and would not listen to the Spirit, you continued to step across the line, perhaps speaking to yourself other lies about this person.

If you believe this lie, you plant wicked seed in the garden of your heart. If you receive the sinful seeds of others, you will plant them into your heart. If you plant wicked seed in your heart, this seed will spring forth and trouble you.

If, on the other hand, you hear this lie as you slip. Your heart told the lie. It originated with Satan, and it was a root of bitternes from seeds planted in the past. You were tempted when your own lusts troubled you. But you did not take the next step as your evil fleshly nature told you, even though it was quite deceptive in tempting you. Rather, you turned to Jesus. Jesus gave you a word. Perhaps it was comfort. Maybe encouragement. It might have been a word of edification. You received the word from God. It worked faith in your heart, God's faith. God's faith opened the door to God's grace. You allowed God's grace to flow into your heart. Perhaps you felt the warmth of God's anointing flooding though your whole being. A calm came over you. God spoke His word to your brother or your sister as you yielded your mouth and your tongue to His Holy Spirit. What might have been a terrible fight became a wonderful bonding of the Body of Christ. The Spirit flowed from you to the other member and you sensed the flow in return.

Notice the sequence of righteousness:

  1. You slip--Satan's influence is felt.
  2. God speaks. (some caveats about hearing God's Voice)
  3. You hear (rather than stepping across into greater sin)
  4. God's faith comes
  5. God's faith give access to God's grace.
  6. God's grace flows to you, including the free gift of God's righteousness.
  7. You yield to God's righteousness.
  8. God does His work through you.
  9. God's good seed in planted in your heart.
  10. You are changed in your very nature.

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price

Last updated: Jan, 2013
How God Will Transform You - FREE Book  

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