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What is the purpose of the church? Why is it on the earth yet?

You are born again into the Church and out of the world so that you can grow. You grow as the Holy Spirit conforms you to the image of Christ, your Ministry in the Body of Christ. This is a process that goes from glory to glory. When everything is in complete unity with God's will and built according to God's Pattern as He gave it in Scripture, the Body and the Head (Jesus) will be joined as one totally complete man. This is the manifestation or the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, Ephesians 3:10

This is not speaking of the plastic, man-made, church, but the scriptural church that is being built according to the pattern.  It may be incomplete, not fully assembled, and imperfect right now, but God is building a House.  That House, with many "abiding places," is His Church, His Called Out Ones.

  • It is through the Church that God is showing His many faceted wisdom.
  • The Church is a called-out company of believers.
  • The Church is a holy temple that God is building using living stones.
  • The Church is the new Jerusalem.
  • The Church is the abiding place that Jesus is preparing for you.

Last updated: Sep, 2011
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