Evolution is a Dogma Of the Secular Humanist Religion
The two religions, Christianity and Humanism, interpret scientific observations in diametrically opposed ways. The religion of Humanism interprets scientific observation in a way that is mutually exclusive to the way that Christianity interprets scientific observation. These two religious views cannot be reconciled. They cannot both be true.
The Evolution-backing Skeptic's Dictionary describes pseudo-science, and Evolutionism fits the description perfectly. http://creationontheweb.com/content/view/5966/ Evolutionism meets nine out of the ten criteria for a pseudo-science while very few other pseudo-sciences-astrology, astral projection, alien abduction, crystal power, or others-meet so many of the criteria.
Marc Ambler wrote, "The creation of all these things is something that happened in the past, isolated from man's ability to observe, and so any belief in how it happened is essentially metaphysical. There are then only two possible sources of our beliefs about origins. One is man's speculation and storytelling-endlessly changing and, by the nature of the matter, never able to come to a knowledge of the truth, and never able to know even if something really was true. The other source would have to be a personal being who transcends our existence and is able to communicate to us how creation happened. And He has, starting with: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.' " Evolution is Just Story Telling
Evolutionism is metaphysical as is Creation science. It depends what you want to believe, human storytelling or God. God is aware that He has set this choice before each person. He says, "Today, choose whom you will serve."
Last updated: Nov, 2011
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Here Is A Quick Explanation Of Why Evolution Is Religious Dogma Of Many Cults And It Is Not Science
Evolution is Religious Dogma
Challenging Those Who Are Preaching Evolutionism
Evolutionism Is A Dogma Of The Religion, Humanism Or Secularism (and Other Religions). It Is Pseudo-Science. It Is Obviously Metaphysical.
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