If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.
In answering this type of challenge, we must remember the words of George Macdonald: "To try to explain truth to him who loves it not is but to give him more plentiful material for misinterpretation." Also, the words of Richard Weaver: "How frequently it is brought to our attention that nothing good can be done if the will is wrong! Reason alone fails to justify itself." In other words, those who don't want the Almighty to direct their lives will go through any mental gymnastics necessary in order to avoid the obvious.
For instance, in listening to an unbeliever and drawing out his reasoning, the unbeliever finally came to his basic assumptions. When asked why he believed his basic assumptions, the unbeliever looked a bid startled and blurted out, "I guess I'm making the whole thing up." However, he decided to remain an Atheist because he didn't want God to rule over him. Ravi Zacharias did two open forums in a university. On the second night, one man told him that he had brought two Atheists in the night before who said that the arguments presented were so strong that they could not contend with them, but they were going to remain Atheists because that is what they prefer to be true.
For the sake of clarity, we should talk about kinds of life rather than species. Species is a man-made designation that does not always have a clear definition.
If you take ANY five objects, you can line them up by similarity. You can do this with bone fragments. you can do this with kitchen utensils. The fact that you can do this does not constitute proof that a frying pan evolved from a kettle or that a dog evolved from a cat. All honest Evolutionists can see that the fossil record shows distinct kinds of plants and animals with a wide variety of adaptation within those kinds. That points to creation and the Almighty Creator God, not Evolution.
We know that God created every kind of animals just a few thousand years ago. How do we know? By revelation. This revelation is not based on circular reasoning. It is based on the Almighty Creator God. Every other explanation of origins is based on circular reasoning or pure speculation.
There are only three sources of knowledge in the final analysis: (read article)
Last updated: Jun, 2013
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If you explain that everything exists because God created it, you still have not explained anything.
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Question & Answer: Butterfly Evolves Mouth for Bananas?
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