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Why does the fossil evidence point to a world-wide flood rather than evolution? |
"Darwin's theory of natural selection has always been closely linked to evidence from fossils, and probably most people assume that fossils provide a very important part of the general argument that is made in favor of Darwinian interpretations of the history of life. Unfortunately, this is not strictly true." (Dr. David Raup, Curator of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Field of Natural History Bulletin, vol. 50(I)). Of course, Natural Selection is real and it works to eliminate severe mutations. Most mutations aren't detrimental enough, however, for Natural Selection to operate. Small mutations can build up in a population over time and cause extinction. It is illegitimate to use Natural Selection to support Evolution. Natural Selection supports a young Earth and a Creator.
Of course, evolutionists, along with all followers of the New Age and the Humanist religion, are in denial of the great flood and in denial of the judgement of God. They do realize that their approach can't explain the things that can be easily observed. People who are in denial of God know that there is no evolutionary theory that can explain the fossils in any way that makes any sense. This is much disputed by the evolutionists, as might be expected. What is interesting is the reaction of at least one evolution scientist: he went to one of the sites and began using a hammer to break up as much evidence as he could. This is not an isolated case of the destruction of evidence. When the facts are in conflict with what Humanism stands for, then Humanists are compelled to bury the facts. In how many areas is this true? Evolution, of course. Abortion. Resistance to the Truth of the Bible. Socialism. Supposed global warming. The supposed hole in the ozone layer. Alternative forms of marriage and alternative life-styles. The new morality. Post-modern history to push a socialistic agenda. Post-modern news to push a socialistic agenda. The list could go on. This reaction is very normal and consistent with the Secularist view of life. They believe in relativism and do not believe in absolutes. They ridicule those who believe in absolutes, particularly fundamentalist Christians. They believe in rationalism, that is, they believe that it is valid for them to make up information out of their heads. What does this mean? It means that, from their point of view, there are no facts. There is no right. There is no wrong. Right and wrong are only concepts that they can use to sway the masses and get their way. With that mind-set, it makes perfect sense to be deceptive. The only problem is those few times when they get caught. The Secularist mindset would make sense if there were no God. Unfortunately for Secular Humanism's converts, God is real. Christ is real. The Holy Spirit is real. Heaven is real. And Hell is real. "What makes the question complex is that in place of the countless thousands of transitional forms expected (as Darwin logically indicated should be found, and anticipated would be found in future), there exists at any point in time a handful of candidates, i.e. fossils put forward as transitional forms by evolutionary proponents. [Note: By 'transitional forms' is meant here fossils showing intermediate stages between major evolutionary transitions, i.e. from one kind of creature to a wholly different kind. For example, stages in the supposed transition of a walking reptile to a flying bird, nothing which creationists could regard as variation/speciation within a kind. Some evolutionists argue that we have countless thousands of transitional fossils, but they empty the term 'transitional fossil' of any content really meaningful for the creation-evolution debate. They define a fossil as 'transitional' in the same sense that a car is 'transitional' between a unicycle and a truck. That is not in view here.] Creationists by definition would argue that there are none, so to evolutionists this is seen as 'proof'. From a creation perspective, though, consider the following:" Go to http://creation.com/missing-links-parade for the rest of this article. Author/Compiler Last updated: Jun, 2012 ![]() Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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