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Free Speech For Churches Was A Casualty Of The Culture War





Prior to 1954, churches were free to speak out about any and every topic without government limitations. HR 235 has been introduced to liberate clergy from the muzzle imposed by the absolute ban on all speech that may be regarded as "political," and thereby enable them to speak out on all vital and moral and political questions of the day.   

There are people from both sides of the culture war who say that the other religion should keep out of politics.  The left side tends to draw members of several naturalistic and materialistic pseudo-faith groups, including Atheism, Agnosticism, and Secular/Religious Humanism.  (Are they religions?  The proponents certainly do have religious zeal, so I call them a religion)  Some Naturalism's faithful feel that all U.S. Laws should be based on the precepts of the Naturalistic and materialistic pseudo-faiths rather than the precepts of Judeo-Christian heritage, and some feel that Christians and Jews shouldn't have any voice at all.  And they are getting their way.  This is an interesting position given the numbers of Christians and Jews in comparison to the number of people who want to silence them.   

Additionally, these Naturalist/Materialist pseudo-faith groups have a nasty and violent history.  They are the religious/philosophical force behind Hitler, Mussolini, the U.S.S.R., Red China, North Korea, Vietnam, and virtually every totalitarian government.  They have a record of being particularly brutal toward Christians.  And they want to have control over the 82% of all Americans who self-identify as Christians.   

Lynden Johnson twisted the Constitution and stole the First Amendment rights of the Church in 1954, and the left side of the culture war has continued twisting the Constitution since that time.  Some of the main precepts that Atheism, Agnosticism, and Secular/Religious Humanism believe based solely on human pseudo-faith are materialism, Naturalism, uniformitarianism, evolutionism, relativism, and the belief that the human mind can reveal knowledge without the benefit of observation.  These naturalistic pseudo-faith groups look to the god of the human, the god of intellect, the god of self, and/or the god of sensual pleasure.   

The First Amendment of the Constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."  Oddly, the Naturalists/Materialists interpret these words of the First Amendment to mean that the freedom of speech of the Christian religion shall be abridged.  But the Constitution actually says that free speech shall not be abridged.  It doesn't say that anyone's free speech can be abridged.   

Here's another weird thing; the Secularists go outside the Constitution to a personal letter written by Thomas Jefferson.  That personal letter mentions the words, "separation of Church and State."  Going outside the Constitution to decide what the Constitution says is a bit strange, but it gets worse.  Thomas Jefferson was making the point, in his letter, that the State should stay out of the Church's business, not that the Church should stay out of the State's business.  The Naturalists/Materialists, however, turn that letter around to say just the opposite of what it actually says.    

A recent poll shows that 82% of Americans identify themselves as Christians.  About 5% of Americans believe in Darwinian evolution.  Why would anyone think that all those Christians should have no say but that the small group of Naturalists/Materialists should control the State?  Why do the Naturalists think that only their thoughts are valid and that Christian thought processes, judgments, and understandings are not valid?   

Our lawmakers in Washington are working on legislation, HR 235, that may return freedom of speech to the churches in America.   You can help return free speech to our nation's houses of worship. Please call, write, email, and telegraph your representatives in Washington to support this effort and email this information to everyone you know.    

Last updated: Aug, 2010
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