- God's desire has always been that he would have fellowship with his people.
- God assured that the lineage that would bring forth the Messiah, the Anointed One, was preserved.
- 1921 BC, Abraham believes God and goes to the land of promise.
- Abraham was father of two great nations, Ishmael, the son of the servant maiden and Isaac, the son for promise.
- Isaac
- 1760 BC, Esau and Jacob or Israel.
- The twelve brothers became twelve tribes.
- Joseph is sold into Egypt because of the envy of his brothers, but God uses this to save the entire nation.
- 1715 BC, Joseph becomes governor in Egypt.
- 1706 BC, Jacob and all his children move to Egypt.
- 1635 BC, Joseph dies.
- The children of Israel are turned into slaves by a cruel pharaoh.
- 1571 BC, Moses is spared destruction as a baby when pharaoh kills all male babies of the Israelites.
- 1531 BC, Moses grows up in the house of pharaoh, but is forced to flee for his life to the back side of the desert at age 40.
- 1491 BC, At age 80, God sends Moses back to free Israel from Egypt.
- 1491 BC, Through Moses, God sends many plagues against Egypt until the pharaoh lets Israel go.
- 1491 BC, Moses and the Children of Israel cross the red sea with the Egyptians, who had changed their minds, right behind them. God put a pillar of fire between them so His people were kept safe.
- 1491 BC, After all the Children of Israel were across, God allowed the red sea to close in on the Egyptian army.
- 1491 BC, The law was given on Mount Sinai.
- Moses built a tabernacle according to the pattern that God had shown him.
- When the tabernacle was completed according to the pattern, God's glory filled it.
- God's people continually broke the law, showing that there is not a just man upon earth who does good and doesn't sin.
- When God brought the Children of Israel to the promised land, they were afraid and refused to go in, so God let them wander in the desert for forty years.
- 1451 BC, After forty years, they went into the promised land. Moses, at 120, was still strong, but God wouldn't allow him to go over Jordan River to the promised land. Joshua took them in.
- They had to take the land. God told them to kill every person and to spare none. This is a type of our battle against our own flesh.
- Joshua and the children of Israel take Jericho.
- Judges were set over the people to rule them. God ruled through the judges.
- 1394 - 1354 BC, Othniel
- 1249 - 1209 BC, Gideon
- 1157 - 1117 BC, Eli
- The people drifted away from God and did that which was right in their own eyes.
- 1117 - 1095 BC, Samuel
- Finally, the Israelites asked for a king like the other nations had. They rejected God's rule over them.
- 1095 BC, God gave them King Saul
- 1055 BC, King David
- 1015 BC, King Solomon.
- Solomon built the Temple according to the pattern that God had given to David.
- When the temple was completed according to the pattern, God's glory filled the temple.
- After Solomon, the kingdom was split into the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel. Other kings followed. Some kings were good and some followed idolatry and all sorts of evil. God judged evil and blessed good.
- God sent prophets to warn the Children of Israel, but the Children of Israel wouldn't listen to them.
- 721 BC, Israel goes into captivity.
- 587 BC, Judah goes into captivity.
- 535 BC, God released His people from captivity and they rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem.
- 516 BC, The temple was dedicated.
- Athenian Democracy, 508-322 BC
- 458 BC, Ezra
- 445 BC, Nehemiah
- That temple was destroyed.
- Herod rebuilt the temple shortly before Christ was born.
- Ismael is a type of the flesh.
- Esau is a type of the flesh
- God always blessed the Children of Israel when they sought His leading and did as He showed them to do.
- Often, they did not obey God, and many times, they did not even try to find out what God wanted them to do.
- When God would send a judge or a prophet, the people would rebel against that man of God.
- God's judgments were always to separate good from evil. Only those called to an office could perform the functions of that office. When God said he wanted it a certain way, doing it any other way brought judgment.
- God repeatedly brought about miraculous deliverance. Every recorded word is useful for us today. Much of what actually happened in those days was a type of those things of which we must now partake. Many of the prophecies were given then to point to things that are yet to come. Many of the prophecies have been fulfilled already.
- In April of 1998, a hoax was circulated on the internet, stating that the value of pi had been adjusted to be exactly 3 in response to religious groups. This hoax was perpetrated to try to promote a secondary hoax, the idea that I Kings 7:23 would contain an error in mathematics. Here is the correction to that Secular Humanist error.
Last updated: Oct, 2013
Joshua And The Children Of Israel Take Jericho Are Confirmed By Archaeology
Tyler: Athenian Democracy, 508-322 BC
Bread Crumbs
World History
World History 1921 BC
Toons & Vids
World History 4004 BC
World History 2348 BC
World History 1921 BC
World History 4 BC
World History 29 AD
World History 2nd And 3rd Centuries
World History 4th Century
World History 5th - 13th Centuries
World History 14th Century
World History 15th Century
World History 16th Century
World History 17th Century
World History 18th Century
World History 19th Century
World History 20th Century
World History 21st, Century
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REAL Faith--What it IS & IS NOT
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Fossil Record Says: "Creation"
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