Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Anger / Appeal to Spite / Argumentum Ad Odium / Appeal to Hatred / Appeal to Loathing / Appeal to Outrage
The logical fallacy of appeal to anger occurs when someone presents anger as a premise rather than a true premise to support their conclusion.
Logical Forms:
"X is true + anger.
Therefore X is true."
"X is claimed to be true.
Anger is mentioned.
Therefore X is true."
"X is claimed to be true.
Anger is mentioned.
Therefore X is false."
Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Anger / Appeal to Spite / Argumentum Ad Odium / Appeal to Hatred / Appeal to Loathing / Appeal to Outrage
“It makes me mad that some people have so much money and I don’t. That isn’t fair and you ought to be angry too. Therefore, we need laws to spread the wealth around.”
When you read this, it may seem silly, but this is very common reasoning for covetousness. It is often used by politicians to gain power. However, it is the logical fallacy of appeal to anger.
“You Christians make me so angry. There is no God.”
An art student is having his work publicly critiqued, but he is a Christian and has chosen a Christian theme for his painting, and the person critiquing the paining is an Atheist: "I hate it!!! This type of painting makes me sick!!!!! It is just awful!!!! No one paints paintings that have meaning any more. That was for another era."
When someone comes with this much negative emotion, it can be very intimidating.
“We are outraged that ax murderers aren’t afforded the same rights as other citizens.”
The "ax murderer" is just used as an example. This argument is used to justify many sins. Of course, the outrage is simply to help get public support. The actual argument probably goes, “We can’t help it if we were born this way with this innate desire to murder people with axes. It’s how God made us.”
Last updated: Aug, 2014
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Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
Relevance Fallacies of Emotion
Appeal to Anger
Toons & Vids
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Emotion / Emotional Appeal / For the Children
Logical Fallacy of Argument by Slogan / Simplistic Slogans
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Force / Argumentum Ad Baculum / Argument to the Cudgel / Appeal to the Stick / Argument by Vehemence
Logical Fallacy of Argument by Vehemence
Logical Fallacy of Argument to Veneration / Appeal to Respect
Logical Fallacy of Argumentum Ad Invidia / Appeal to Envy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Anger / Appeal to Spite / Argumentum Ad Odium / Appeal to Hatred / Appeal to Loathing / Appeal to Outrage
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Spite
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Guilt / Appeal to Shame
Logical Argument of Appeal to Fear / Argumentum In Terrorem
Logical Fallacy of Pollyanna's Ploy, Unbridled Optimism
Logical Fallacy of Chicken Little's Fear and Pessimism
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Complexity
Logical Fallacy of Argument by Poetic Language
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Contempt
Logical Fallacy of Bluffing / Appeal to False Bravado / False Show of Confidence / Turning Up the Rhetoric / Bluster
Logical Fallacy of Hifalutin' Denunciations
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Flattery / Apple Polishing / Wheel Greasing / Brown Nosing / Appeal to Pride / Argumentum Ad Superbiam / Appeal to Snobbery / Appeal to Vanity / Proof Surrogate
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Pride / Argumentum Ad Superbiam / Appeal to Vanity
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Humor / Appeal to Ridicule / Reductio Ad Ridiculum
Logical Fallacy of Argument by Emotive Language
Logical Fallacy of Emotion-Biased Decision-Making Phenomenon
Logical Fallacy of Loaded Language
Logical Fallacy of Magic Words
Logical Fallacy of Motivated Reasoning
Logical Fallacy of Guilt Induction Fallacy / Appeal to Guilt
Logical Fallacy of The Norm of Reciprocity / Reciprocity Norm
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