The Logical Fallacy of Logic Chopping / Quibbling / Quibble / Splitting-Hairs / Nit-Picking / Trivial Objections / Smokescreen / Blowing Smoke / Befogging the Issue / Clouding the Issue / Megatrifle / Trivial Objections / Cavil / Spurious Superficiality occurs when a diversion is created to make discussion of an issue difficult. The diversion is a specific kind of red herring that acts as a smokescreen to make it difficult to analyze the issue at hand. This diversion may be quibbling about the meaning of a word, nit-picking grammar, splitting hairs on unimportant details, or a seemingly unlimited other tactics. When quibbling takes the form of nitpicking language, this is sometimes called the language trap, which would be a specific kind of logic chopping.
Sandy: "Your belief is based on an old book that has been translated thousands of times over thousands of years."
Rocky: "I don't mind talking to you about the basis of my belief. The fact is that my belief in Jesus Christ is based on my personal relationship with Him. He leads me moment by moment."
Sandy: "Specifically, how does He lead you? Does He send you a text message?"
Rocky: "He speaks to me in my innermost mind and assures me that the Bible is His Word and that it is without error. Then, He speaks to me through the Bible. He also speaks to me through His Creation. It may be most important that He speaks to me through other Christians who have Christ living in them as well."
Sandy: "Christ living in them? What is Christ like a little person bouncing around inside their bodies?"