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Logical Fallacy of Proof by Intimidation / Argument from Intimidation


Logical Fallacy of Proof by Intimidation / Argument from Intimidation

The logical fallacy of proof by intimidation occurs when any of the many forms of intimidation are used rather than a rational reason. This phrase is often used in mathematics to describe a mathematical proof that is given with jargon and complexity in order to intimidate the audience into compliance lest they be shown to be ignorant—sort of an emperor’s new clothes technique. Intimidation can also be generated by implying stupidity unless you agree, a very common tactic of those supporting Atheism, Uniformitarianism, Naturalism, Materialism, Darwinism (molecules-to-man evolution), or old Earthism. Added resource:

Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Intimidation

Slaughter of the Dissidents: "Philip Bishop is a professor of exercise physiology at the University of Alabama. He has over 300 publications in refereed journals and conference publications, and was recommended for early tenure. When the University learned that he informed his students that his field provides abundant evidence for intelligent design, they forbade him from doing so. On the other hand, William Provine of Cornell boasts that the percentage of theists among his students drops from 75% at the beginning of the course to 50% at the end."

Intimidation is used because it works.

Sandy: "As a PhD Physicist, I am here representing my credentialed colleagues from every scientific discipline. We have provided the information on laterally transferred elements and high pressure adaptation in Photobacterium profundum strains and genome comparison of a nonpathogenic myxoma virus field strain with its ancestor, the virulent Lausanne strain, demonstrating clearly that information is indeed added to the genome due to mutations."

Rocky: "May I ask a question? Did you ever consider that your first point does not indicate that new information was created in the genome due to mutations, and your second point demonstrates precisely the opposite of what evolutionists wish to show?"

Sandy: "Get yourself some credentials before you contradict someone like me."

Loaded with jargon, degrees, and numbers, Sandy fails to provide any evidence that actually supports his point. Source:

Sandy: "Come on! You don’t believe that old book that tells about a flood and Noah and all that do you?"

Rocky: "Actually, I do. In fact, the Holy Spirit compels me to believe what He is saying through the Bible."

Sandy: "Get out of here. I know you have to be smarter than that."

Rocky: "It would be pretty stupid to ignore the Voice of the Creator God."

Rocky is holding his ground, but you can see that kind of pressure that Sandy is trying to exert.

Last updated: Sep, 2014
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Toons & Vids



Logical Fallacy of Appeal to the People / Argumentum ad populum / Bandwagon / Appeal to Common Belief / Peer Pressure

Logical Fallacy of Fake Consensus

Packing the House Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Self-Interest / Appeal to Desire / Appeal to Personal Interest / Homily Ad Hominem (type of)

Logical Fallacy of Marginalizing

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Rugged Individualism / Appeal to the Minority / Authority of the Select Few

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Common Folk / Plain Folks / Appeal to the Common Man / Argumentum Ad Populum

Logical Fallacy of Applying Time Pressure

Contrarian Argument Fallacy Abuse

Logical Fallacy of Peer Pressure

Social Conformance Fallacy

Cool Idolatry Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Common Practice / "Everybody’s Doing It"

Logical Fallacy of Snob Appeal / Snob Approach

Logical Fallacy of Proof by Intimidation / Argument from Intimidation

Forestalling Disagreement Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Patriotism



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