The kids were encouraged to make the posters expressing their thanks during the Thanksgiving season. But this one child's poster was removed because the child wanted to thank Jesus. The 3rd Circuit Court upheld the school's actions. But Judge Alito "stood on the wall" in opposition and filed a blistering dissent that stated, "Public school students have the right to express religious views in class discussion or in assigned work." Alito added: "this was quintessential viewpoint discrimination."
The preceding is a clip from the news at We don't really expect that there will be no persecution for Christians. Christians have always been persecuted. There are websites that are set up to try to counter the efforts of the ungodly who are persecuting the Christians. This website has the purpose of encouraging those who are called to the firstfruits company. In that light, we must be careful that we do not follow the counsel of the ungodly. It is apparent that there are many teachers and administrators in the "education" system who are dedicated to giving out a false religion. Mostly, they teach a religion known as Secularism, sometimes called Secular Humanism, Humanism, or Atheism. This religion can teach a thankfulness to no one in particular even though that makes no sense at all. Is it any wonder that Christian students become confused, disillusioned, and lose their faith? If parents are going to send their children to schools (this would also apply to a great many so-called Christian schools), then those parents must spend even more time with their children exploring the details of their children's faith and understanding.
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price
Last updated: Jan, 2013
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