The secular pseudo-faith groups want to run things. They think they have all the wisdom. God says that they have a devilish wisdom. Real wisdom is only given to those who follow Christ and ask for that wisdom from above. Secularists want 81% of the population to stay home and not vote and not get involved in politics. That is message control.
Longtime nationally syndicated journalist Jack Germond called the struggle over the fate of Terri Schiavo a "grotesque, ridiculous exercise" on Friday, adding that the "nutty story" is a result of the "growing, staggering, frightening influence of religious organizations" in American politics.
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price
FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price
That would mean that Jack Germond is asking 81 percent of the people to keep their noses out of politics so that he and the rest of the members of the Atheist pseudo-faith group can run the country. Jack Germond is frightened by 81% of the population because some of them have an influence in American politics. Wow!
In a new NEWSWEEK Poll, 78 percent of Americans believe Jesus rose from the dead; 75 percent say that he was sent to Earth to absolve mankind of its sins. Eighty-one percent say they are Christians; they are part of what is now the world's largest religious group, with 2 billion believers, or roughly 33 percent of the earth's population. msnbc
Last updated: Jan, 2013
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