If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.
Is Evolutionism a Cult?
The story of evolution has many problems in that it violates several proven scientific laws. However, ungodly people who support the idea of evolution simply say that they will one day find answers to these things and they demand that everyone believe in their lie. People lose their jobs for not believing. People are persecuted for not believing.
On the other hand, God has revealed many things regarding how He created everything in six days. God wrote this down through His holy apostles and prophets, and He speaks to us today through the Bible concerning these things. Nothing that is in the Bible conflicts with what we can observe using scientific method. Yet, followers of Evolutionism call God's revelation unscientific becaue it conflicts with the unscientific stories of Evolutionism. See Lies Based on Nothing Versus Truth Based on Revelation.
Evolutionism uses many deceptive techniques, even using two different meanings for the word, Evolution, in the same argument. Evolutionists prey on the young and on the inexperienced in schools and through entertainment.
Evolution is a doctrine of several false religions, but it also can be a stand-alone religious idea.
The ungodly religions desire to show that human beings are not obligated to obey God. Christian religions desire to show that human beings are obligated to obey God. In the USA, these liberal religions, including Evolutionism, have become the state sponsored religions. http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=articles&action=view&ID=2497
Evolutionism disguises itself as science, but evolutionism is not science. Evolutionism doesn't pass the smell test. Depending on how you define the word, cult, Evolutionism could be called a cult. It is definitely a religious concept. Yet, many true scientists are deceived by this false religion. Many pay homage out of fear of losing their jobs, and this is not an unwarranted fear.
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Last updated: Jun, 2013
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