If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.
You will most likely eventually run into a question like the following: "What happened to all the urine and excrement of the animals on the ark? The ark must have smelled really bad." This is a common question. People who worry about this kind of question are generally looking at whether or not it presents an insurmountable problem for the reality of the ark. It does not, even when we take the most naturalistic view of the ark. The fact is that there are many possible naturalistic ways that this could have been handled. "What about all of the excrement produced by all of these animals? How did 8 people manage to feed all of those animals and deal with tons of excrement on a daily basis? What about animals with specialized diet? How did plant-life survive? What about insects? There are a thousand other questions like these which could be raised, and they are all good questions. In the minds of many, these questions are unanswerable. But they are certainly nothing new. They have been asked over and over for centuries. And in all of that time researchers have sought answers. There are now numerous, very scholarly feasibility studies which have put Noah and his ark to the test." http://www.gotquestions.org/Noahs-ark-animals.html
Read Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study
Last updated: Jun, 2013
Bread Crumbs
Christian Witness
Answers for Witness
Stories Versus Revelation
Creation, Flood, Etc.
Flood Evidence
Ark Animal Care
Toons & Vids
After the flood, since all plant life had been destroyed and there was also no animal life, what did the herbivores eat?
How did all the 2 million species get to the ark?
"Regarding the Ark, where did all the food and water to feed them come from for the lengthy voyage?"
What happened to all the urine and excrement of the animals on the ark? The ark must have smelled really bad.
When the animals debarked from the ark, how did they get to places like Australia, South America, the South Pole, Alaska, etc.?
How could 8 white people on the ark somehow create races of Negro, Indian, Asian, Hispanic, etc.?
The Claim that Horizons of Fossils Demand Successive Passages of Time During Which the Organisms Lived
Why Hasn't Noah's Ark Been Found?
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REAL Faith--What it IS & IS NOT
REAL Love--What it IS & IS NOT
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Fossil Record Says: "Creation"
Avoid These Pitfalls
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That's the real question