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What is the difference between righteousness and holiness


The difference between righteousness and holiness is critical to our walk. It affects everything. It is so important that it is in an animation of every page of That animation has more information if you float your mouse over the various parts. Clicking on any part of the animation will open a page that gives even more information about it.

Righteousness is in the moment but has lasting fruit in holiness and redemption. Holiness is a change in what you are. Holiness is a transfiguration of your mind. Redemption is being set free from sin's influence.

So, righteousness is in the moment, holiness is a change in what you are and is progressive, and redemption is freedom and is progressive. The path of the just shines more and more to the perfect (totally complete) day.

If you read 1 Cor. 1:30, you will see that Jesus is our wisdom and that wisdom is righteousness, holiness, and redemption.

Here are a number of facts from the Bible. These are the things that God is beginning to draw out into the light in this hour, so if you meditate on these things and ask Jesus to give light, He certainly will.

Righteousness is the opposite of sin. Whatever is not of faith is sin. Sin is the transgression of the law. Love fulfills the whole law. God is love. God is righteousness. Jesus is our righteousness. Righteousness is a free gift. True righteousness is Christ manifested in His Temple. Righteousness always comes by grace through faith. It all begins with God speaking and leading you. You hear His voice. The faith of God comes to you by hearing His utterance. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word [literally, utterance] of God." Faith gives us access into God's grace. God's grace is much more than forgiveness. It includes the free gift of righteousness. And faith is the door that gives us access into righteousness. This faith in not human-manufactured belief but it is the faith OF GOD, that comes when we hear His utterance as He leads us. Grace does the works in us. Those works are the righteousness of God. What you sow, you reap. Holy seeds are sown into your mind/soul/heart/life when you yield to the Spirit of God in this way. Some of the carnal mind dies. Christ is more fully formed in you. That is holiness. The result is that you are more free from the sinful nature, from the influence of the fallen culture, and from demonic spirits that try to persuade you.

Note that none of this is by our own effort. Our part is submission to the Spirit of God. For this we were created.

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price

Last updated: May, 2013
How God Will Transform You - FREE Book  

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What is the difference between righteousness and holiness

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