Logical Fallacy of Reverse Halo Effect / Devil Effect
The Logical Fallacy of Reverse Halo Effect / Devil Effect occurs when a negative association is made between a negative thing and a second thing, and the attributes of the negative thing are attributed to the second thing.
Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Reverse Halo Effect / Devil Effect
When the Muslims began their jihad against the U.S., the majority of sources in the news media began to use the same word, fundamentalist, for Christians who believe the Bible as written and for violent Muslim terrorists. Often, they run two stories back to back, one that mentions a fundamentalist Christian group and another that uses the same word, "fundamentalism," to describe terrorists.
The word, "fundamentalist," was coined by Curtis Lee Laws of the unofficial Baptist publication, Watchman-Examiner, as a term for those who believe the fundamental truth of the Bible. It later came to refer to anyone who believes what God is saying through Scripture. During the period from 1910-1920, two separate movements, known as fundamentalism, were developed. Both of them attempted to bridge denominationalism (the separations in the Church) by identifying the fundamental elements of the faith in Scripture. These fundamental elements were then presented as the basic theologies that one must believe to be born again. People who identified themselves are fundamentalists opposed modernism's attempt to disconnect the Church from Biblical truth. They also unsuccessfully tried to oppose the indoctrination into the dogmas, such as evolutionism, of Secular Humanist religion through the public schools. It was a way to try to discern who was part of the Church Universal and who was not, without reference to the confusing denominational lines.
Sandy: "Timothy McVeigh shows just where Christianity leads."
Roxy: "But Timothy McVeigh wasn't a Christian. He didn't even believe in God."
Last updated: Sep, 2014
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Reverse Halo Effect / Devil Effect
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Logical Fallacy of False Attribution
Logical Fallacy of Pretentiousness
Ad Verecundiam Fallacy
The The Semi-Attached Figure / Superficially Convincing Fog Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Biased Authority
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Anonymous Authority
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Self-Declared Authority
Logical Fallacy of the Authority of the Select Few
Invincible Authority Fallacy / Appeal to Invincible Authority
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Celebrity
Logical Fallacy of Argument by Personal Charm / Style over Substance
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to the Exotic
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Gravity
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Accomplishment
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Control of Scientific Journals
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Control of Scientific Funding
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Control of News Media
Logical Fallacy of Spotlight
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Logical Fallacy of Halo Effect
Logical Fallacy of Reverse Halo Effect / Devil Effect
According to the Rules Fallacy
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