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There are many pages on the Internet that are hostile to the the present move of the Spirit of God. These often contain a smattering of true events along with quite a bit of inaccuracy. Is it a movement? Rather than a movement, what actually took place was that the Holy Spirit moved. He came and visited the students and faculty. They tried to hold classes teaching the denominational position Assemblies of God, Canada, but the Holy Spirit would come over them and they would find themselves in worship. Many of them were fasting. There was much praying. I wasn't there, but this obvious lack of teaching came to the attention of the denomination. The faculty were asked to leave. They moved to North Battleford and the door opened up for some old buildings from an air force base to be used for classes. There was a certain day in 1948 that the Holy Spirit came powerfully in prophecy, telling them that He had opened a door and if they would not enter in now, it would be closed to them forever. One of the faculty prayed something like this, "Lord, we don't know what this door is nor do we know how to enter into it." Prophecy followed stating that this was the door to the gifts of the Spirit and that they would be imparted by the laying on of hands of the presbytery and prophecy. Revelation was given by prophecy and confirmed by Scripture. That was the start. The revelation of the coming together of the Body of Christ was given. A prophecy said, "Come out, come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sin." It went on to say that the world denominational systems are a Babylon of confused voices. There were some who took this to the extreme in implying that those in the denominations were lost, but that was not the revelation. The prophecy of the dry bones is still spoken of and taught. There is still great spiritual deadness throughout the Church, but God is saying, "Prophesy to these dry bones." The Holy Spirit said that the Church is an organism, not an organization. One other scriptural pattern that offended many was the revelation that the order of Scripture does not pay a salary to local men. The Scripture used to defend this practice is actually written by Paul, referring to himself and to the other apostles. Local pastors have applied this Scripture to themselves as if they were apostles. The apostles traveled, making it difficult or impossible to support themselves. So, local elders and deacons were set. Local elders (plural) shepherd (pastor) the flock. They are not paid. You can only imagine the reaction of the local pastor who makes his living in this way and has quite a bit of prestige as a result of his position in the local church. To become just one of several unpaid elders on equal status didn't go over well. This is not to take anything away from those who are true shepherds. It's just that the singular locally abiding pastor is not found in Scripture. When those who were hostile to this moving of God's Spirit wrote articles against it, they often misrepresented by saying that the Charismatic Movement, the Latter Rain Movement, and the move of the Spirit that began at North Battleford, SASK. While the three were joined in their beginnings, they were and are radically different. Under the guidance of the apostolic ministries, we see order and power. There is a lack of many of the excesses of the Charismatic Movement and the Latter Rain Movement. Where disorders have arisen because of human fleshly weakness, discipline has been executed under the scriptural pattern of apostles and local elders and deacons. To lump these three into one is a gross misunderstanding of history and a lack of understanding what God is doing. God used each of these three separately to perform different operations within the Church Universal that were necessary for His purpose. This isn't about any group of people. This is about the moving of God's Spirit. Now, many of the things that were given as revelation in 1948 and the years following are being taught widely throughout Christendom. Not everything, but most of these revelations are available in many places. Of course, you will find that there are places where bulwarks against Scriptural teachings are erected in the name of Scripture, but these barriers are erected through theologies, not through Scripture. And God will shake all lies and cause them to fall. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, including the errors of this present move of God. Author/Compiler Last updated: Sep, 2013 Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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