The Welch revival taught that the Spirit can use the whole Body of Christ rather than just one man.
Thousands were born into the Kingdom of God.
The morals or the entire country changed.
Restored in the Pentecostal movement:
The Pentecostal movement brought the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Supernatural gifts were exercised.
A great world-wide missionary movement.
Lack of depth in the Word of God.
Superior attitude or pride.
A feeling that they had it all.
Failure to move on with God
Restored in the move of 1948:
The vision of the coming together of the Body of Christ.
The nine gifts of the Spirit given by the laying on of hands of the presbytery.
The five-fold ministry.
The biblical order of the church service, where one has a song and another a prophecy, and all being led and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Singing in the Spirit.
The order of elders and deacons.
The vision of the manifestation of the sons of God.
The Enemy's Tricks:
Every gift of the Spirit and ministry is being counterfeited.
Much disorder came from those who rejected the orders and patterns of the Scripture.
False apostles sprung up.
Several Spirit-filled ministries chose their own ways instead of continuing to walk humbly before the Lord and in submission to the offices and ministries set by God.
Details & lessons learned
The central theme of the Pentecostal movement became the restoration of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, though God was urging the people to move on to higher heights and deeper depths. There was a point at which organizations were formed and the leadership refused to go on with God. This movement also lacked a real depth in the Word of God.
The moving of God's Spirit took place rather spontaneously at an Assemblies of God Bible College, causing many students and faculty members to seek God as never before. Some have erroneously credited George Hawtin with this move, but he was swept along by the Spirit of God just like everyone else, and, in the final test left the pattern that God established. In fact, George Hawtin went out from under the covering and the original revelation and pattern that was given at Sharon Schools in North Battleford.
The Latter Rain Movement came into being, having gone out from under the original revelation and pattern that was given at Sharon Schools in North Battleford.
Much disorder and much good flowed from the Latter Rain Movement and from the Charismatic Movement, because they had rejected the orders and patterns of the Scripture, but the Latter Rain Movement has no connection to Sharon Schools.
Some could submit and others could not submit to the teaching of the Holy Spirit concerning the biblical pattern for the church.
Some denominations renounced the Move of the Spirit based on the revelation of laying on of hands, apostolic ministry, or prophecy.
More Christians were martyred in the 20th century than all other centuries combined.
Eugenics based on Darwinism is taught.
The great Welch revival.
1890-1910 AD, the Pentecostal movement.
1913 Lawrence Flick opposes the evolution story
1920s Most Christian clergy believed that science had proved evolution even though there was no scientific proof for the story.
1925 AD Humanists lose at Scopes Monkey Trial, but use media and the schools to create the opposite impression.
1948 Move of the Spirit in North Battleford, SASK, Canada and throughout the world.
Many came to see what was happening in North Battleford at Sharon Schools.
Some could not receive the word from God and went out with the part of God's message that they liked. They became known as Latter Rain, though the true latter rain is yet to come.
1897-1901 William McKinley President. 1900 re-elected.
1901 Cuba Convention makes Cuba a U.S. protectorate.
1901, William McKinley, 25th President, assassinated by anarchist. Theodore Roosevelt takes office.
1902 Oliver Wendall Holmes begins to corrupt the U.S. Supreme Court
1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt President
1906 U.S. troops occupy Cuba.
Oklahoma becomes 46th State.
1909-1913 William Howard Taft President
1912, Arizona and New Mexico become states.
1913-1921 Woodrow Wilson President
1913, Federal Income Tax starts with the 13th Amendment before Wilson takes office.
1913, U.S. Federal Reserve System established.
1914 WWI begins.
1915, German terrorist plants bomb, shoots one person, then commits suicide.
1916, Woodrow Wilson re-elected President.
1917, US enters WWI because of German threat to shipping
1917, Minority (R) agrees to cloture rule change under threat of the majority (D) to use the constitutional option.
1918, compulsory school attendance laws.
1919 Binito Mussolini founds Fasci del Combattimento.
1920 19th Amendment, woman's right to vote.
1921-1923 Warren Gamaliel Harding President
1922, Mussolini's march on Rome. Mussolini coins fascism to describe his new government.
1922, U.S.S.R. forms from socialist states.
1923, President Harding (R) dies in office, succeeded by Calvin Coolidge.
1923-1929 Calvin Coolidge (R) President
1924-1979 U.S. eugenic sterilization of thousands
1926, Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan.
1929-1933 Herbert Clark Hoover (R) President
1932, U.S. Federal Reserve System reorganized.
1933-1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt President
1933, US off god standard. Agricultural Adjustment Act. Federal Relief Act. Tennessee Valley Authority. US Securities Act. Public Works Administration. 21st Amendment repeals prohibition.1932, unemployment insurance law.
20th Amendment
1934, US Gold Reserve Act. US Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation.
1935. Social Security becomes law.
1936, Franklin Roosevelt reelected.
Roosevelt's Court Packing Plan in 1936
1937, US Supreme Court rules in favor of minimum wage.
1937, Mussolini, who coined the word, fascism, visited Germany and pledged himself to support the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
1945 United Nations Created with great hope, but the UN became riddled with corruption so terrible that it would be almost impossible to exaggerate.
1945-1953 Harry S Truman President
1953-1961 Dwight David Eisenhower President
1959, Minority agrees to cloture rule change under threat of the majority to use the constitutional option.
1960s rebellion. Leftist rebellion attacks family, home, church, and morality
1961-1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy President
1963, Kennedy assassinated, succeeded by Lyndon Johnson.
1963-1969 Lyndon B Johnson President
1969-1974 Richard Milhous Nixon President
1970s filibuster rules changed by Byrd and fellow Democrats to require a simple majority (more than 50%) to end a filibuster. Democrats again changed the rule to require a 60% majority some time later.
1970's, Carter OKs wire tapping without a warrant.
1977, Appeals court upholds Carter's warrantless wire tapping for national security.
1974, Richard Nixon resigns under pressure, succeeded by Gerald Ford.
1974-1977 Gerald Rudolph Ford President
1975, Minority (R) agrees to cloture rule change under threat of the majority (D) to use the constitutional option.