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1859 Publication Of On The Origin Of Species -- Preservation Of Favoured Races


1859 Publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin

This document was supposed to be verified, over time, by millions of transitional forms in the layers of rock on the earth's surface. Not one truly verified transitional form has been found, so evolutionists have resorted to lining up skeletons of various distinct kinds of animals in order of similarity and claiming that this ability to line objects up in order of similarity "proves" evolutionism's dogmas. It does nothing of the kind, of course. If you take any six items and drop them onto a table, you can line them up in order of similarity. Say you choose a knife, fork, spoon, can opener, ice pick, and hammer. If you line them up in order of similarity, does that prove that one evolved into the other over millions of years.

"What makes the question complex is that in place of the countless thousands of transitional forms expected (as Darwin rightly indicated should be found, and anticipated would be found in future), there exists at any point in time a handful of candidates, i.e. fossils put forward as transitional forms by evolutionary proponents. [Note: By 'transitional forms' is meant here fossils showing intermediate stages between major evolutionary transitions, i.e. from one kind of creature to a wholly different kind. For example, stages in the supposed transition of a walking reptile to a flying bird, nothing which creationists could regard as variation/speciation within a kind. Some evolutionists argue that we have countless thousands of transitional fossils, but they empty the term 'transitional fossil' of any content really meaningful for the creation-evolution debate. They define a fossil as 'transitional' in the same sense that a car is 'transitional' between a unicycle and a truck. That is not in view here.] Creationists by definition would argue that there are none, so to evolutionists this is seen as 'proof'. From a creation perspective, though, consider the following:" Go to for the rest of this article.

Evolutionism was supposed to show that the layers in the earth were formed over millions of years rather than by a tremendous world-wide flood.

While the evolutionists have managed to control media to get their point published, they have failed the scientific test. They have done an amazing job in the political arena but failed scientifically. They have been able to maintain almost complete control of resources. They have been able to coerce silence from any who have found conflicting data, any who have not bowed down to their evolutionistic idol. However, they have utterly failed to find any evidence that even proves that evolution might have been possible.

The story of millions of years just doesn't hold up under scrutiny. The evidence points very clearly to a world-wide flood a few thousand years ago.

Of course, the devastation that has come as a result of their religion is evident.

Those who don't want to acknowledge the Creator God use assumptions as filters and a way to censor out any information that supports the existence of God.  They set up a web of rules to filter out God.  They will only accept those things that conform to Naturalism, materialism, and uniformitarianism.  Naturalism claims that God does nothing.  Materialism claims that there is no God or spiritual realm.  Uniformitarianism claims that there was not creation and that there was no violent worldwide flood, as the Bible and numerous other historical accounts record.  Whatever they observe that does not conform to this complex filter is censored.  The way that it is censored can take several forms.  The ungodly may boldly proclaim that, though the data appears to support God's version and refute the version of the ungodly, yet it still must be interpreted to mean just the opposite of what it does mean.  A backup method that ungodly people use is to prophecy that in the future, science will be able to explain what they see as an anomaly.  If that fails, they will hide the data, set it aside, or lie to keep the public from knowing the truth.  The data clearly demolishes the story of the ungodly and clearly supports the reality of the Creator God, His Bible, and His abiding Presence in His people.  When confronted with the obvious, a closed-minded ungodly person says, "I can't understand it."  They are willingly ignorant because they refuse to hold God in their knowledge.  The reality is that these people, for whatever reason, don't what to know the Creator.  They don't want to truly know Jesus, their Creator.


Last updated: Jun, 2012
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