Basics of Emotion-based Christianity:
Emotion-based Christianity substitutes human emotion for the power of the Holy Spirit. It confuses human emotion with the Holy Spirit.
Emotion-based Christianity counterfeits the moving of God's Spirit by shouting, emotional body language, loud music
and more to stir emotions. In addition, purely fleshly methods such as rock and roll, autogenic visualizations, and New Age practices are used to simulate the Holy Spirit.
Generally, those who are seeking the experience that simulates the Holy Spirit without having the actual Holy Spirit seek the counterfeit because they have failed to be obedient to the Spirit and the Spirit lifted from them. The Holy Spirit is, in many ways, like a very gently dove. When someone wants to follow in a fleshly way after the Spirit urges them to follow a Spiritual path, the Spirit does not coerce. Once the Spirit of God has departed, the Christian will either repent or try to find a replacement. If the Christian repents and seeks God, the Spirit of God returns and all is well. If the Christian seeks a replacement, there are many to be found.
Basic Tenets of Biblical Christianity:
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