Logical Fallacy of Dehumanizing
The Logical Fallacy of Dehumanizing occurs when an ad hominem attack is made in such a way as to portray the target of the attack as not really human rather than discussing the issue using sound reasoning.
Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Dehumanizing
When a label is put on a group of people, it can become a dehumanizing mechanism:
- Black
- White
- Fundamentalist
- Holy roller
- Global-warming denier
To make a person or group of people the target of jokes is a way of dehumanizing.
Last updated: Sep, 2014
Bread Crumbs
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Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
Relevance Fallacies of the Source
Toons & Vids
Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem
Logical Fallacy of Abusive Ad Hominem / Character Assassination / Smear Campaign / Throwing Stones
Logical Fallacy of Name Calling / Nominalization / Labeling / Nouning
Logical Fallacy of Creating Misgivings / Ad Fidentia
Logical Fallacy of Circumstantial Ad Hominem/Appeal to Motive/Appeal to Conflict of Interest/Appeal to Personal Interest/Argument from Motives/Questioning Motives/Appeal to Vested Interest
Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Ridicule
Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
The Logical Fallacy of Demonizing
Logical Fallacy of Demagoguery
Logical Fallacy of Dehumanizing
Logical Fallacy of Argumentum Ad Fidentia
Logical Fallacy of Tu Quoque / You Too / Appeal to Hypocrisy / Personal Inconsistency (a form of ad hominem)
Hypocrisy Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Origins / Genetic Fallacy / Fallacy of Virtue
Knights and Knaves Fallacy
Group Fallacy
Not Invented Here Fallacy
Corrupt Source Fallacy
Psychogenetic Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Poisoning the Well / Discrediting
Logical Fallacy of Guilt by Association Ad Hominem / Bad Company Fallacy / The Company that You Keep Fallacy / Ex Concessis
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popular Pieties / Popular Prejudice / Appeal to What is Popular / Homily Ad Hominem (type of)
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