Problems With Evolution: The Bible, Evolution, & Creation |
The Bible, Evolution, & CreationThis page is provided to answer a specific question, but don't get tied up in detail and forget where you are going. You get past the questions/attacks so you can proclaim the Gospel. It is the proclamation of the Gospel, not argumentation, that transforms minds. See Give Them the Gospel. The Bible, Evolution, & Creation: There is a Bible/Evolution debate, a Bible/Evolution conflict. The Bible & Evolution are not compatible. Science & Evolution are also not compatible and has changed science (knowledge) into science (observation, conceive it, make-believe it). It is the Bible v Evolution, and it is Evolutionism against the Bible. What are the conflicts between the Bible, Evolution, and Creation? How do the Bible, Evolution, and Creation relate to each other. The hypothesis of molecules to man Evolution is in direct conflict with the Biblical teachings of the Holy, Almighty, Creator God. The hypothesis of "death before sin" Evolution is in conflict with Creation and the Bible in many ways. First, and foremost, Evolution is an example of the original temptation in the Garden of Eden when Satan said, "Hath God said?" God has said. Satan wants to say that human conjecture, speculation, hypothesis, and guessing is just as authoritative as the Word of God. Evolution is a doctrine of demons. Evolution is an attempt to denigrate the authority of Scripture. The purpose, of course, is to transfer the authority of God to humanity. The purpose of such a transfer is to create an excuse whereby the perpetrator of this scam can feel better about continuing to sin. Fallen humanity wants to do its own will rather than God's will. Fallen humanity is in rebellion against God. Denying the account of Genesis to make allowance for the pseudo-science of Evolutionism has consistently resulted in denigration of the Bible as a whole. And why? Because of a lie called Evolution. And someone told the emperor (the apostate ecclesiastical elites) that only a fool cannot see Evolution. Once Genesis is compromised, the next step is the definition of sin. Then comes salvation, Jesus, and finally, all who follow the emperor are walking down the street without the covering of the precious blood of Jesus. They remain in their sins and under the wrath of God. Knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men and women to follow God's ways of salvation. The molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication conflicts with the fact that sin is the cause of death. The molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication reverses that important fact of salvation and says that death produces progress. In the process, it eliminates the idea of sin. The Bible states plainly that sin is the cause of death as you can see here. The molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication assaults the very character of God. It either eliminates God or turns God into what Carl Sagan called, "a sloppy manufacturer." Of course, Carl believed that the fossil record was a record of evolution rather than a record of the great world-wide flood. The interpretation of the fossil record as a record of evolution (an interpretation with insurmountable scientific problems compared to the interpretation of the fossil record as a record of a world-wide flood) attacks the very character of god. It falsely accuses God of being foolish or even cruel. The molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication is in direct conflict with what Jesus taught about the age of the Earth and creation. That would mean that Jesus makes mistakes. Keep in mind that even though a non-speculative reading of Scripture seems to indicate a young Earth, we can't even deny the possibility that God could have done something that Scripture doesn't hint at and that has left no scientific evidence. It is possible. It just is not worth the time to think about it. The mighty God of all the universe is being told that He is wrong and in error because Jesus taught things that are in conflict with the hypothesis of some scientists. In the end, the scientist's hypothesis is as strong as the weakest assumption. It is utterly weak. It keeps crumbling with each new discovery, yet there are weak Christians who would like to call Jesus a liar and call the assumptions TRUTH. This is Satanic in origin. It's amazing, though, how dogmatic people can become concerning issues about which they know little or even nothing at all. Some people make their livings making these types of speculations, telling these types of stories and defending them.
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