Scientific Method Uncovers Facts that Support Creation, NOT Evolution |
This page is provided to answer a specific question, but don't get tied up in detail and forget where you are going. You get past the questions/attacks so you can proclaim the Gospel. It is the proclamation of the Gospel, not argumentation, that transforms minds. See Give Them the Gospel. If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this. Life has a very long history. It's unfortunate that the scientific method has no way to estimate the age of things without using circular reasoning. We can only look at things in the present and make assumptions about the past. If we change the assumptions, we change the estimate of the age of things. When anyone states that a fossil (one that that is older than themselves) is a certain number of years old, that statement is either based on speculation or revelation. Every objection to a 6,000-year-old Earth has been answered by a viable scientific explanation; however, science cannot prove anything. Those who believe in billions of years are not so fortunate. The billions of years hypothesis has many disconnects with what can be observed; however, science cannot disprove anything either. Science is a great tool but it is not magic. One thing is sure, though. Living things change over time. However, there is no known mechanism that could create information, organization, and the types of upward progress over time that Darwin's hypothesis claimed. Several known scientific laws show that, to the extent that we can know anything, information is not added but lost, order is not created but destroyed, and progressive Evolutionary processes do not occur but destructive degeneration occurs. (Read the latest science on the subject: Without Excuse by Werner Gitt, a description of the scientific Laws of Universal Information. See also: Information Theory Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Here is another interesting article.) More is constantly being learned about information and about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolutionists tend to hide in the weeds of the unknown with an argument from ignorance: "If you can't prove, by empirical science, that evolution is impossible, then it happened." By empirical science alone, we can only prove probabilities. The probabilities show the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story to be a bazaar hypothesis, a story that is so improbable that it should not be considered. However, empirical science is not a tool that can prove anything to be true or false absolutely. For absolute proof, we have revelation. (See Basic and Concise Guide to Practical, Useful Logic and Reasoning). God says that He created everything. He is the One Who enforces the laws of nature. He is the One Who will judge all of us in the end. We know that because we know Him presonally through the indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ and the moment-by-moment instruction of the Holy Spirit. The fossils show distinct kinds of animals with a great deal of variation within the kinds but no evidence of one kind of animal becoming another kind of animal. For instance, there are many kinds of dogs, but no evidence that dogs have ever been anything else other than dogs. When we look at the fossils, we don't see Darwin's Tree of Life. However, we do see a forest of Trees of Life. We see a dog tree, a cat tree, an elephant tree, and one tree for every kind of living thing. The fossils are buried in sediments and would have had to have been buried quickly. What we can easily observe is that it appears that most of the fossils were buried in a global flood like the one mentioned in the Bible. We see clams and sea creatures at the tops of the mountains. We see evidence of violent and rapid water movement across continents. The idea that microscopic creatures evolved into higher level creatures and finally into man--this concept is scientifically impossible with what we currently know using science. It is only popular because of wide-spread ignorance at the highest levels. The idea that life could be generated spontaneously from non-life is equally unscientific. The idea that matter could generate from nothing or that matter in the universe is infinitely old is equally unscientific. The Big Bang Theory also has the same sorts of problems. Interestingly, the historical account of how everything came to exist has no conflict with what we can observe using scientific method. That is, the things that the Bible says about how the universe was created and how the animals, man, and woman were created, along with the historical account of the great global flood, these events of the past are all in line with what we can observe in the present. There is evidence all over the place. Ungodly people are forced to hold on tightly to some basic presuppositions. These presuppositions are just simple-minded assumptions. They are filters and a way to censor out any information that supports the existence of God. They set up a web of rules to filter out God. They will only accept those things that conform to Naturalism, materialism, and uniformitarianism. Naturalism claims that God does nothing. Materialism claims that there is no God or spiritual realm. Uniformitarianism claims that there was not creation and that there was no violent worldwide flood, as the Bible and numerous other historical accounts record. Whatever they observe that does not conform to this complex filter is censored. The way that it is censored can take several forms. The ungodly may boldly proclaim that, though the data appears to support God's version and refute the version of the ungodly, yet it still must be interpreted to mean just the opposite of what it does mean. A backup method that ungodly people use is to prophecy that in the future, science will be able to explain what they see as an anomaly. If that fails, they will hide the data, set it aside, or lie to keep the public from knowing the truth. The data clearly demolishes the story of the ungodly and clearly supports the reality of the Creator God, His Bible, and His abiding Presence in His people. When confronted with the obvious, a closed-minded ungodly person says, "I can't understand it." They are willingly ignorant because they refuse to hold God in their knowledge. The reality is that these people, for whatever reason, don't what to know the Creator. They don't want to truly know Jesus, their Creator.
Excellent channel of Youtube that allows you to watch one training video after another here. Increasingly, evolutionism, old-earthism, big-bangism, and no-floodism are stories against the evidence, but they always were simply stories that were made up to compete with what God is saying. Astronomy
Bible, God, theology
Biology (creation vs evolution)
Creation: relevance to Christianity, society and science
Geology, the Flood, the Ice Age and the age of the earth
We are not dogmatically claiming to know that the Earth is 6,000 years old. We know that God created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and we know the number of generations between Adam and Christ. That's about it. Even though a plain reading of Scripture seems to indicate a young Earth; even though there is zero observed evidence and only circular reasoning and speculations that support old Earth stories, we can't even deny the possibility that God could have done something that Scripture doesn't hint at and that has left no scientific evidence. It is possible. It just is not worth the time to think about it. Author/Compiler Last updated: Dec, 2013 Is Creation science or religion? Is Evolution science or religion? Evolution Berkeley: Evolution 101 Claim: Evolution Has Been Observed!!! Really???? Ask them for Proof that Molecules-To-Man Evolution Actually Happened Arguments Against Evolution Twelve Arguments Evolutionists Should Avoid The Most Amazing Thing That I Found Out About What The Schools Are Calling The Problems with Evolution: What are the Problems with the Molecules-to-Man Evolution Fabrication Unanswered Evolution Questions Evolutionists Refuse To Follow The Evidence Where The Evidence Leads Because The Evidence Leads To God. Ptolemy's Geocentric System of the Universe and Evolution Can You Show Evidence For Creation By Almighty God From Nothing Is the Creator Obvious? Stare at this picture for 60 seconds. A giraffe will appear. Natural Selection And Mutation Evolution is Flim-flam Evolution Obviously Violates The Revealed Word Of God What Is Wrong With Theistic Evolution? Unproven And Unbelievable Evolution Does the Founder Principle Support Evolution? Birds to Dinosaurs? Claim: Evolutionists Claim That Similar Features In Fossilized Skeletons Prove Evolution. Question: Is There Any Truth To This Claim? If you explain that everything exists because God created it, you still have not explained anything. The Cult, Evolutionism Answers: Natural Selection and Mutation Evolutionist Tactics Raise Serious Questions How could there be a science that is based on nothing but a whim? Why should evolutionism be called a fairytale rather than a theory? Question & Answer: Butterfly Evolves Mouth for Bananas? Links And Technical Information Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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