Our walk is one of overcoming the lies that we have been told. We need to see reality as it really is. If we could see reality regarding suffering, then we would always be thankful. It is the lies that are in our hearts that make us unthankful and unable to reap the benefits of suffering.
Some of these lies were in our hearts from the day we were born. As a result, every person has a natural tendancy toward some distructive behavior or thought pattern. Some people are prone to depression. Some are prone to an inordinate amount of fear. Then there is alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, sexual perversion addiction, over eating addiction, and any number of other natural leanings. This is known as original sin.
In addition to these natural leanings, we can easily learn sin. The garden of your heart is just as able to grow weed seed as it is to grow the good seed that comes from God. People are taught about a god who is some kind of vending machine. You put in something and select what you want. It does not work that way. God is doing a greater work than that in you. You are called to glory. Whether you will receive that call and respond to it correctly is to be seen.
The purpose of every life is to conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. All things work together... actually, God is working everything together, He is orchestrating everything together for His good purpose for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. And His purpose is that we be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus. Romans 8:28-29
Last updated: Dec, 2013
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