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What Is the Culture War?


Two cultures are in a struggle. It appears as if two religions each wanting to influence. There are people from both sides who say that the other religion should keep out of politics and not try to influence anyone. The reality is that there are some Christians who see the Church as an organization that is called to impose morality on the unsaved. There are the ungodly unsaved who do not want moralith imposed upon them. There are some ungodly unsaved who think that the precepts of the Bible, at least some of them, are good for society and would like to see them imposed on everyone. There are others who are truly following Christ who are simply letting the Light of Christ shine through them and out into a lost world.  

A person who considers herself to be a leftist calls a follower of Christ, "Ultra-right-wing fundamentalist Christian." The vocal inflection indicates that this woman thinks of this as an epithet. The world has been affected, preserved, by the salt in the Christians throughout the world. That salt influence is very offensive to those who love evil. This is the culture war. The ungodly oppose, by any means, the followers of Christ, the believers of the Bible. There is a tremendous push for the covetousness of socialism. I'm reluctant to label the ungodly with the term, liberal, since that word has so many meanings. Beyond that, ungodliness has so many other ways that it manifests itself, including Atheism, Agnosticism, and Secular Humanism. These are the main secular religions. In addition, there are many other cults.  

The First Amendment of the Constitution, among other things, says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Secularists interpret these words of the First Amendment to mean that the freedom of speech of the Christian religion shall be abridged. No one could come to such a conclusion honestly. The Constitution plainly says that free speech shall not be abridged.

The ungodly go outside the Constitution to a personal letter written by Thomas Jefferson that mentions the concept of separation of Church and State, but they twist that letter all around, too. Thomas Jefferson was making the point, in his letter, that the State should stay out of the Church's business, not that the Church should stay out of the State's business. The ungodly think that the followers of Christ should stay out of anything to do with the way the State operates, but that the ungodly should control the State. It puzzles me anyone can have such an inability to understand a simple statement like this: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." How could they think that the ungodly religions should be established by the State, and that we should prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion and abridge the freedom of speech of the Christian religion?

The Bible says that the deep respect for God is the beginning of wisdom. It also says that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God. There is no wisdom among the ungodly. That is to say, without Christ, there is no wisdom.  There is no wisdom among ungodly Christians either.  There is pride, of course, but they have cut off wisdom.  

Some godly lawmakers in Washington have tried to introduce legislation that would return freedom of speech to the churches in America. That effort is opposed by the ungodly.  

Last updated: Jan, 2014
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