Basics of Demagogue Christianity:
The demagogue seeks to stir up the flock of God against someone or some group of people either inside or outside the church.
Anger and malice are fruits of the flesh and an evidence of lack of love. The only response that a child of the Kingdom can have toward those who are ignorant and out of the way is compassion, intercession, and concern for their souls. The demagogue stirs up the people to hate and anger against others, and those people may or may not be out of God's will.
Demagoguery is used as a way to create loyalty toward the demagogue.
Demagoguery is to be expected from secular humanists, liberals, atheists, and such like. It should never be seen anywhere in the Church of the Living God. Because of these Christians, this way is evil spoken of.
Basic Tenets of Biblical Christianity:
To compare Demagogue Christianity to Biblical Christianity, go here.