Demagogue Christianity's Worldview of the Solution to the Basic Human Problem:
Demagoguery will distort the solution by adding in some element of emotion against the target of the demagogue, though the demagogue may or may not teach otherwise orthodox Biblical doctrines concerning salvation and Christian maturity.
The Demagogue adds an element of human effort, anger, fear, and hatred to the solution. None of these things are God's solution.
Once the other person is made to be an object of hatred, the Jonah problem develops. The Christians who have been manipulated by the demagogue find it hard to love the lost or misdirected soul. Rather than reaching out in ministry to correct a person who is in error, there is an attitude problem that inhibits effective ministry. Sometimes, there can be a desire to see the person or persons suffer in hell.
Biblical Christianity's Vision of the Solution to the Basic Human Problem:
To compare Demagogue Christianity to Biblical Christianity, go here. To compare Demagogue Christianity's worldview of the solution to the basic human problem to the vision of the solution to the basic human problem which is given to Scriptural Christianity, go here.