As a Christian, you are called to lead others to righteousness. God is speaking. Are you listening?
As a Christian, you will suffer persecution, but the reward is beyond comparison to the temporary things that we suffer. If you suffer for doing wrong, that is nothing, but if you suffer for the fact that you live a righteous life and you don't deny Christ, that is everything. You may be called on to take a stand against the false teachings of the scoffers.
Denominational Christianity's Worldview of Authority:
This varies, but denominational-ism is often so strong that the denominational theology takes precedence over the pure Word of God.The Bible is rationalized away and new concepts are added to the Bible through creative supposition and speculation.
Often, the democratic process becomes the real authority. In many denominations, ungodly people have crept in and are taking over by democratic processes or by other political processes. We have seen many turn away from the Bible to support ideas such as the following:
No worldwide flood in the days of Noah
No creation as in the Book of Genesis but rather Evolution over millions of years and a Big Bang billions of years ago.
No call to holiness, especially concerning marriage, sex, greed, covetousness, and murder in various forms (abortion, euthanasia, etc.).
<>Biblical Christianity's Vision of Authority:
To compare Denominational Christianity to Biblical Christianity, go here. To compare Denominational Christianity's worldview of authority to the vision of Biblical authority which is given to Scriptural Christianity, go here.