Jesus's appearance in dreams altered a Muslim's life - Part4
Jesus's appearance in dreams altered a Muslim's life - Part4
Reported that among African Muslims, "42 percent of the new believers come to Christ through visions, dreams, angelic appearances and hearing God's voice."
(Part1)Mohammed (Nigeria) - This Fulani herdsman in Nigeria found the deep love and lordship of Jesus Christ through a series of remarkable dreams. Jesus' appearance in those dreams altered the course of his life. Though his father tried to kill him in the wake of his conversion, he survived the various attempts on his life and eventually led his father to faith in Christ.
God told in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward,that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,your old men shall dream dreams,and your young men shall see visions"
This is what happening in these last days.
Muslims Encountering Jesus In Unusual Dreams
Reported that among African Muslims, "42 percent of the new believers come to Christ through visions, dreams, angelic appearances and hearing God's voice."