Social Conformance Fallacy
The Social Conformance Fallacy occurs when fitting in and getting along requires irrational thinking.
Examples of the Social Conformance Fallacy
Tremendous pressure is brought against young people (and older people) to disobey the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit urges us to keep our language clean, speak of our experiences with Christ, walk in holiness, and spend time in the Scripture and in prayer. Social conformance pushes against all of these.
“Let’s go to a movie. Which one would you like to see?”
It had better be socially acceptable, even if it is downright evil.
There is tremendous social pressure brought against those who disagree with the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story on most college campuses. Arguments that are brought for the story are easily shown to be irrational. Yet most students do conform.
Last updated: Sep, 2014
Bread Crumbs
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Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
Relevance Fallacies of Pressure
Social Conformance
Toons & Vids
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to the People / Argumentum ad populum / Bandwagon / Appeal to Common Belief / Peer Pressure
Logical Fallacy of Fake Consensus
Packing the House Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Self-Interest / Appeal to Desire / Appeal to Personal Interest / Homily Ad Hominem (type of)
Logical Fallacy of Marginalizing
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Rugged Individualism / Appeal to the Minority / Authority of the Select Few
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Common Folk / Plain Folks / Appeal to the Common Man / Argumentum Ad Populum
Logical Fallacy of Applying Time Pressure
Contrarian Argument Fallacy Abuse
Logical Fallacy of Peer Pressure
Social Conformance Fallacy
Cool Idolatry Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Common Practice / "Everybody’s Doing It"
Logical Fallacy of Snob Appeal / Snob Approach
Logical Fallacy of Proof by Intimidation / Argument from Intimidation
Forestalling Disagreement Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Patriotism
Answer to Critic
Appeal to Possibility
Circular Reasoning
Argument to the Future
Insignificant Cause
Word Magic
Love Between a Man and Woman
Colossians 2
Righteousness & Holiness
Don't Compromise
Proof by Atheism
Scriptures About Marriage
Genuine Authority
The Reason for Rejecting Truth
Witness on the Internet
Flaky Human Reasoning
How Do You Know?
The Real Purpose of the Church
The Real Purpose of Life
From Glory to Glory
REAL Faith--What it IS & IS NOT
REAL Love--What it IS & IS NOT
How to be Led by God
How to Witness
Wisdom: Righteousness & Reality
Holiness & Mind/Soul
Redemption: Free From Sin
Real Reality
Stories Versus Revelation
Understanding Logic
Logical Fallacies
Circular Reasoning-Who is Guilty?
How Can We Know Anything?
God's Word
God's Process
God's Pattern
Mind Designed to Relate to God
Answers for the Confused
Fossil Record Says: "Creation"
Avoid These Pitfalls
Public School's Religion
Twisting Science
Public School Failures
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