Materialism is based on circular reasoning. Materialism is believed because it is believed. A Materialist will defend Materialism by using the circular argument: It is an axiom of science. The Materialism Cult is a dangerous false religion because followers of the Materialism Cult don't receive Jesus Christ as the only Creator of the Universe, the God Who created them and their only Savior from bondage to sin. At the same time His love for those who have been deceived by the Materialism Cult compels God to speak to them daily through His creation and through other means; they will not listen to Him.
They don't believe Him when He tells them that it is in Him alone that they can find life, peace, joy, fulfillment, love, righteousness, and every other good thing. They don't believe Jesus that rejecting Him as their one and only God is the most serious sin that could be committed--the sin against the first commandment.
They don't realize that they were created to be joined to Jesus Christ, to have a continual flow of the Anointing of His Holy Spirit through them so that the Spirit will continually lead them and the Creator will do His work through them. They are blind to the fact that they were created to walk from glory to every-increasing glory by the Spirit of God. They are trapped in their own desires and tangled in the many lies that come from the father of all lies. If they did listen, God would set them free.
Instead, they are still in their sins. They attempt in vain to establish their own righteousness, a self-righteousness, and so they are unable to receive the free gift of righteousness that comes from the throne of God. If they would abandon their self-righteousness and self-dependence and believe God rather than their own understanding, and if they would stop contending against Jesus but rather accept Him and His free gift, then God would deliver them.
As a Christian, when you see anyone who has been deceived by the Materialism Cult, it is important to look to Jesus and let the love of God flow to them as it is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost. Perhaps you will pray. Perhaps God will give you a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge. Perhaps someone will turn to Christ.
Materialism is a cult based on presupposition--like building a foundation out of thin air--and it also is a good example of sloppy thinking. Yet, supposed intellectuals are willing to bet their eternity on such flimflam.
The Cult, Materialism is the presupposition that there is no God, no Spirits, no heaven, no hell, etc. It's root dogma states that only the material exists. Materialism is taught as fact in public schools and in universities. Materialism has also infiltrated many churches. Many Churches no longer believe, for instance, that there is a real Satan.
What is amazing, though understandable, is that materialists tend to be open to occult spiritual experiences. Materialism is Satanic at its core.