The Two Views
In the final analysis, there are only two viewpoints. There are really only two opinions, only two sides. There is that which is for Christ and that which is against Christ. That which is not for Christ is against Him. That which is not against Christ is for Him. There's no place in between. There is a false church, which is the world trying to pretend it is the church. There is the real church, which is that Body of Christ that has been called out of the world.
On the right, we have a viewpoint that is defined by the Bible and by a real relationship with Jesus Christ. On the left, we have a viewpoint that is based on the human mind and its ability to deceive. This leftward view may lean toward paganism, atheism, agnosticism, secular humanism, or some other "ism," but it is always anti-Christ and it is always opposed to God's true church. Some of them even bring in distorted religion as if Christ had said that they should go out and use the government to coerce the unbelievers into helping the poor.
Last updated: Nov, 2011
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