True righteousness cannot be forced on our young people. That is why God doesn't just make us all righteous by sovereign will. He could, but that would not fulfill anything that needs to be fulfilled.
Children need to touch Jesus and have Jesus touch them. If they don't find Jesus themselves, everything else is useless.
There is a movement in the apostate church to make the church fit into the world in an effort to draw more people into the church. "The young people are leaving the church," they cry. "Something must be done." They end up with the message that we must do something even if it is not the will of God. These are the cries of those who are sold out to sin. They lack the wisdom that only flows from God. When they change the church, they no longer have the church. When the church is in disorder, it is an abomination to God. The church then becomes irrelevant. It becomes a joke. The members are not following Christ because the church is not the church and has become a club, an ungodly organization that has placed the tag, "Church" on the sign out in front. The word, church, means: "Called Out." To try to modify God to fit the flesh and then call the resulting abomination, "church" or "Christian," will not accomplish what any parent wants for their children.
The ungodly, especially these pseudo-Christians, are actively proselyting our children, teaching them that light is darkness and darkness is light. They run the school systems, at least in North America and Europe. That is why we need to take the time to actually communicate with kids rather than lecturing. Listening is more important than talking. Parents who try to shortcut this process will see their children turning away from Christ.
Last updated: Jan, 2012
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