stoicheion can mean religious forms and rituals or basic principles that are true of religious forms and rituals or basic principles that are false. It is used mostly to denote religious forms and rituals, and basic principles that are false. In this instance it would include stories about evolution, speculations about an earth that is, according to the fairly tale, billions of years old, end time speculations, and extra-biblical ministries, forms, rituals, doctrines, church governments, ways of imparting gifts, and regulations that restrict the moving of God in prophecy, miracles, righteousness, etc.
4747 στοιχειον stoicheion stoy-khi'-on
from a presumed derivative of the base of 4748; TDNT-7:670,1087; {See TDNT 748} n n
AV-element 4, rudiment 2, principle 1; 7
1) any first thing, from which the others belonging to some series or composite whole take their rise, an element, first principal e.g. the elements, rudiments, primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline {#He 5:12}
1a) the elements of religious training, or the cermonial precepts common alike to the worship of the Jews and of the Gentiles {#Ga 4:3,9}
1b) the ceremonial requirements esp. of the Jewish tradition, minutely set forth by theophists and false teachers, and fortified by specious arguments {#Col 2:8,20}
1c) the principles and practices of the old covanent world order {#2Pe 3:10,12}
Last updated: Feb, 2013
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