Disconnected Christianity's Worldview of Authority:
They try to analyze the Bible with the natural mind because, like King Saul, they have become disconnected from the unfolding revelation of the Bible that can only come by the power of the Holy Spirit.To them, the Bible has become the dead letter of the Word. "The letter killeth" 2 Corinthians 3:6
They say that every Christian has the mind of Christ (which, incidentally, the Bible does not say) and then proceed to lean on their own understanding. This makes their own mind the authority in their life.
Often, this disconnect results in all sorts of rationalized theology. That means that they are adding to the Bible and taking from the Bible by the use of rationalized logic.
Biblical Christianity's Vision of Authority:
To compare Disconnected Christianity to Biblical Christianity, go here. To compare Disconnected Christianity's worldview of authority to the vision of Biblical authority which is given to Scriptural Christianity, go here.