Disconnected Christianity's Worldview of the Works of Jesus:
Somehow, they no longer stand in the presence of the Lord. They have only what has been termed head-knowledge of Him. They don't have the Holy Spirit of Christ flowing through them in love and power.
They don't have the living flow of the anointing from minute to minute. They are not going from glory to glory. They don't see Christ in their brother and sister, so they don't receive of the anointing through them.
They don't look to God as the only source of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and power. They are not walking into a deeper relationship with Jesus every day. Their works are self-generated. Their words come from their own mind. They forget their redeemer and creator in their personal life, though they may have a very good theoretical understanding of what God would be like were they to meet Him personally.
They are not filled with the Holy Spirit. They don't walk in the Spirit.
Biblical Christianity's Vision of the Works of Jesus:
To compare Disconnected Christianity to Biblical Christianity, go here. To compare Disconnected Christianity's worldview of works of Jesus to the vision of the works of Jesus which is given to Biblical Christianity, go here.