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Isn't Evolutionism a Religion that Requires an Old Earth? |
If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this. Evolutionism: A Religion that Requires an Old EarthMany Christians have walked away from faith because of speculations regarding the age of the earth. These speculations usually put death before sin, eliminate the world-wide flood and replace it with millions of years, and eliminate the creation and replace it with billions of years. If death is before sin, then sin does not cause death. If sin does not cause death, that destroys the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, sin is the cause of death, and it came through one man, Adam. We know this by Divine revelation, God speaking to us through Scripture. At the same time, it is possible that there is something that we don't know. We only know what God has revealed, either through Scripture or through science. Someone may ask if there might be something that God has not revealed. We can't deny it. However, we can ask why they would even think about such a thing. It is a bit insane to dwell on such a thing. God forbids speculation. It should be mentioned that scientific method does not, in itself, have the capacity to prove either a young or an old Earth. Both positions use the same scientific facts to come to very different conclusions based on either presupposition or direct revelation. Some would say it this way: the differences are in the beliefs, and those beliefs are based either in presuppositions or in revelation. The same applies to Evolution. Scientists apply scientific method in order to use their beliefs to make speculations that are consistent with those beliefs about what happened in the past. Some are aware that this is the process that they are using, but most, especially those on the side of Evolutionism and Old-Earthism, are totally oblivious to their bias. Logic can only have at its basis one of three things: revelation, circularity, or assumption (which is vapor). The main problem is that age-of-the-Earth stories are speculations. God forbids speculation. Speculation causes divisions. Of course, theology and science is filled with speculations. Many of these speculations are dogmatically held. Human beings have the capacity to convince themselves that they are actually looking at scientific fact, or looking at the Bible as it is written, when they are actually looking at speculations that have been repeated often enough to seem to be real. They are, in fact, loving a lie. Ungodly people are forced to hold on tightly to some basic presuppositions. These presuppositions are just simple-minded assumptions. They are filters and a way to censor out any information that supports the existence of God. They set up a web of rules to filter out God. They will only accept those things that conform to Naturalism, materialism, and uniformitarianism. Naturalism claims that God does nothing. Materialism claims that there is no God or spiritual realm. Uniformitarianism claims that there was not creation and that there was no violent worldwide flood, as the Bible and numerous other historical accounts record. Whatever they observe that does not conform to this complex filter is censored. The way that it is censored can take several forms. The ungodly may boldly proclaim that, though the data appears to support God's version and refute the version of the ungodly, yet it still must be interpreted to mean just the opposite of what it does mean. A backup method that ungodly people use is to prophecy that in the future, science will be able to explain what they see as an anomaly. If that fails, they will hide the data, set it aside, or lie to keep the public from knowing the truth. The data clearly demolishes the story of the ungodly and clearly supports the reality of the Creator God, His Bible, and His abiding Presence in His people. When confronted with the obvious, a closed-minded ungodly person says, "I can't understand it." They are willingly ignorant because they refuse to hold God in their knowledge. The reality is that these people, for whatever reason, don't what to know the Creator. They don't want to truly know Jesus, their Creator.
Evolutionism requires an old earth, a very old earth. Evolutionism is, at best, a religion. At worst, it is a dogma of Atheism. It's interesting that in every place where scientific method is used to try to determine the age of the earth, that method is dependent on circular reasoning. Every means of measuring the age of the earth is based on circular reasoning. That is, by changing the assumptions you change the age of the earth. You can make it as old as you need it to be. And they call it, "science." It is make-believe science. The funny thing is that vast periods of time don't help Evolution at all. Vast periods of time would make Evolution even more impossible. In addition, Long periods of time don't really help Evolutionism. They actually hurt the Evolutionistic story because entropy always devolves. Time and chance never add information to anything. (Read Without Excuse by Werner Gitt, a description of the scientific Laws of Universal Information. See also: Information Theory Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Here is another interesting article.) More is constantly being learned about information and about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolutionists tend to hide in the weeds of the unknown with an argument from ignorance: "If you can't prove, by empirical science, that evolution is impossible, then it happened." By empirical science alone, we can only prove probabilities. The probabilities show the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story to be a bazaar hypothesis, a story that is so improbable that it should not be considered. However, empirical science is not a tool that can prove anything to be true or false absolutely. For absolute proof, we have revelation. God says that He created everything. He is the One Who enforces the laws of nature. He is the One Who will judge all of us in the end. We know that because we know Him presonally through the indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ and the moment-by-moment instruction of the Holy Spirit. Time and chance always subtract information from everything. Wind up toys always unwind. Everything always wears out unless there is something outside of it that has a plan, a method, and energy to re-build it. Buildings don't build themselves, improve themselves, or even maintain themselves. People, can improve a building, but they will have a plan, a method, and the resources to do so. People can write books, but books do not write themselves. People can write computer programs that can use random chance plus a known goal plus a computer program to seek that known goal and the computer will find that goal. Random chance does not know the goal and does not have a mechanism for reaching the goal. DNA did not create itself. DNA does not improve itself. Evolution has a troubling information problem. Living things seek stasis. They seek to maintain the current status. Entropy works against stasis and random damage to cells and DNA results in a loss of information every time without any exceptions. Nothing creates itself. Circular reasoning says that the molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication proves that things create themselves, however circular reasoning is insane. Ages of time do not make the impossible happen. The Evolutionists will tell you a half truth about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Evolutionists will tell the half truth: "The Second Law of Thermodynamics only applies to isolated systems, so it's not relevant to evolution, because the Earth is an open system." This is a clever lie. Here is the part of the truth that they are withholding: the Second Law of Thermodynamics was derived using theoretical isolated systems, but it applies to all systems, and can only be overcome locally and temporarily in open systems when stringent conditions are met. Not only that, but we are not talking about the Earth. The Earth is just a subsystem of a much larger system called the Universe. The Universe is an isolated system. Evolutionists claim that Evolution took place in this isolated system, but the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that their story is a myth. More information on the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be found here & here & here & here & here Since scientific method determined that Evolutionism was statistically impossible, Evolutionists have made the claim that over huge amounts of time the impossible must happen. For this reason, they have tried to use circular reasoning to claim a very old universe in support of a dead molecules-to-man evolution conjecture / fabrication. Those who hate the idea of a soveriegn God buy into this religious theory of an old earth. Why So Emotional About the Age of the Earth?
There is plenty of evidence for a young Earth and a recent creation:
Author/Compiler Last updated: Jun, 2013 ![]() Which religion thinks that it's validity rests on proving the age of the Earth? The Age Of The Earth Is Not A Factor Because Of The Second Law Of Thermodynamics, Which Is The Law Of Entropy. The Wild Idea that Huge Amounts of Time Make the Impossible Happen Led to a Desire for an Old Earth. Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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