Liberal Christianity: What It Supports
If you do not support any of the following, you probably are a Liberal Christian as defines Liberalism.
- Exaltation of the human mind over God or equal with God
- Making human speculation equal with divine revelation--for example, saying the Bible was written by human beings or claiming biblical errors (fictitious errors which have never existed in reality)
- Rationalized speculation--making speculation seem sane through deceptive language and message control
- Abortion: a woman's right to choose to kill her unborn, or newborn, child
- Assisted suicide
- Killing the weak and sick
- Coercion of Christians to force them to support abortion and killing
- Godlessness
- Idolatry: this may take the form of statues, rock stars, movie stars, or politicians.
- Support for any God but the triune God; any but Jesus
- Promiscuity
- Teaching promiscuity to children: This may take the form of secular sex education. This may take the form of support for birth control for the unmarried.
- Forbidding teaching, to children, the scientific and spiritual reasons to maintain purity
- Fornication
- Perversion
- Special rights for those engaged in gay or lesbian behaviors
- desire to change the Bible's condemnation of these behaviors
- Coercion of Christians to force them to profess and encourage promiscuity and perversion
- Drugs
- Envy
- Covetousness
- Communism
- Socialism
- Welfare
- Big totalitarian government utopian promises
- Increasing government regulation or business and individual lives
- Using government, rather than the church, to help the disadvantaged
- Increasing taxes and spending
- Trying to solve all of life's problems through government programs
- Not allowing criminals to suffer the consequences of criminal activity
- Not allowing the lazy to suffer the consequences of laziness
- Not allowing hard workers to enjoy the benefits of their hard work
- Trying to use the government to create equal outcomes rather than equal opportunities
- Stealing from one group of people to give to another group
- Belief that removing all constraint would result in an explosion of human goodness
- Evolutionism
- Not allowing the teaching of the science proving creation
- Coercion of Christians to profess evolutionism
- Denouncing good as evil
- Promoting evil as good
- Rebellion
- Relativism
- Self-righteousness
- Judgmental attitude
- False accusation
- Aggression against Christians and Jews
- Aggression against personal Christian witness as commanded in the Bible
- Desire to restrict the freedoms of Christians
- Re-definition of tolerance to mean saying, "It's OK," to sin
- Intolerance of those who walk in the Spirit of Christ
- Aggression to advance Liberalism
- Any tactic (and there are many) that advances Liberalism.
The more consistently a Christian follows the tenets listed above, the more "liberal" that Christian is said to be. The more a person fulfills the problems mentioned in Romans 1, the more liberal that person is said to be. There are other definitions of the word, Liberalism, but this is the most common definition in contemporary use.
Last updated: Nov, 2011
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Liberal Christianity
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