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Logical Fallacy of False Fallacy / Fallacy Abuse


Logical Fallacy of False Fallacy / Fallacy Abuse

The logical fallacy of false fallacy occurs when someone claims that something is a fallacy that is not a fallacy.

Examples of the Logical Fallacy of False Fallacy / Fallacy Abuse

Rocky: "God created everything in six days."

Sandy: "Intelligent design is almost entirely based upon the fallacy of ad ignorantiam. The core argument for intelligent design is that there are biological structures that have not been fully explained by evolution, therefore a powerful intelligent designer must have created them. In order to make a positive claim, however, positive evidence for the specific claim must be presented. The absence of another explanation only means that we do not know – it doesn’t mean we get to make up a specific explanation."

Rocky: "The reason that I know that God created everything in six days is not what you have stated. God reveals this to me, actually, to all who are following Jesus Christ."

We could go on with what Sandy would say, but this is enough for the example of the false fallacy. In this case, the false fallacy is kind of a straw man argument.

Rocky: "The reason that I believe in God is because God actually speaks to me. Everyone who follows Christ is led by Christ. His sheep do hear His Voice just as He said. We are learning to acknowledge Him and to respond in obedience. As we do this, we mature spiritually and are able to hear Him more clearly."

Sandy: "That’s a fallacy. God doesn’t speak."

Rocky: "You think this is a fallacy? What fallacy is being committed?"

Sandy: "You are assuming God to say such a thing."

Rocky: "So you are saying that if you observe anything, then you observe it not because it exists but because you are assuming it? For instance, if you observe your car, that doesn’t prove it exists?"

Sandy: "My car is material and only material things exist."

Rocky: "Can you provide any evidence that only material things exist? I and all my really close friends have this same experience of being led by the Holy Spirit, plus there are all the contemporary writings of followers of Christ and poems, songs, and writings of Christ-followers throughout the last 2,000 years."

Sandy: "It’s insane to believe that God speaks to you. You are not experiencing what you think you are experiencing. Your mind can be easily fooled."

Rocky: "I and other followers of Christ are well aware that the human mind can be easily fooled. However, we don’t believe that this is a sound reason to trust the human mind rather than God. In fact, the human mind is fallen and cannot be trusted. The work of the Holy Spirit is to purify our minds that have been ruined by embedded lies. He brings truth and truth sets us free."

Sandy: "What you are saying makes no sense. You have been brainwashed into a fallacy."

And so the conversation continues. Nick is convinced that there is a fallacy somewhere but can’t describe what the fallacy is except by stating reasons that are fallacies in themselves. Every person has a paradigm, a fake-reality. Whatever we sense in the real world that doesn’t match our fake-reality gets filtered out. It seems insane. We pass it off and forget about it. Or we can’t even perceive it. This is what is happening to Nick, and he certainly doesn’t want to go through the discomfort of challenging his own fake-reality.

Questa: "I just can’t believe that the Earth is billions of years old. I have looked at the research, and there is nothing conclusive in any of it. A young Earth just fits the evidence better."

Sandy: "It’s a fallacy to believe in a young Earth."

Questa: "What fallacy."

Sandy: "The young Earth fallacy of course."

To establish that there is such a thing as a "young Earth fallacy," one would have to conclusively and absolutely prove that the Earth is not young.

Last updated: Aug, 2014
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Toons & Vids



Logical Fallacy of Avoiding the Issue / Avoiding the Question / Missing the Point / Straying Off the Subject / Digressing / Distraction

Logical Fallacy of Misleading Vividness

Logical Fallacy of Dodging the Question

Logical Fallacy of Ignoratio Elenchi / Irrelevant Conclusion

Logical Fallacy of Irrelevant Question

Logical Fallacy of Proof by Consequences / Argument from Consequences / Parade of the Horribles / Argumentum Ad Consequentiam / Appeal to Consequences of a Belief / Argument to the Consequences

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Bribery / Appeal to Motives in Place of Support

Logical Fallacy of Red Herring / Digression / Diversion / Evading the Issue / Side-tracking

Dodge of Answering a Question with a Question

Dodging by Answering a Different Question / Answering a Question That Was Not Asked

Logical Fallacy of Non-Support

Logical Fallacy of Logic Chopping / Quibbling / Quibble / Splitting-Hairs / Nit-Picking / Trivial Objections / Smokescreen / Blowing Smoke / Befogging the Issue / Clouding the Issue / Megatrifle / Trivial Objections / Cavil / Spurious Superficiality

Admitting a Small Fault to Cover a Big Denial

Logical Fallacy of Arguing a Minor Point and Ignoring the Main Point

Logical Fallacy of Ad Misericordiam / Appeal to pity / Appeal to Sympathy / The Galileo Argument

Galileo Wannabe Fallacy / Galileo Argument (Appeal to Pity)

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Novelty / appeal to the New / Ad Novitam

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to High Tech

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Tradition / Argumentum Ad Antiquitatem / Appeal to Common Practice / Appeal to Antiquity / Proof from Tradition / Appeal to Past Practice / Gadarene Swine Fallacy / Traditional Wisdom

Logical Fallacy of The Way We Have Always Done It

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Desperation

Straw Man Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Extension

In a Certain Respect and Simply / Secundum Quid Et Simpliciter Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Extremes

Logical Fallacy of Taking a Quote Out of Context / Contextomy (type of) / Abstraction / Quote Mining

Logical Fallacy of Misquoting

Logical Fallacy of Accent / Accent Fallacy / Accent by Emphasis / Emphatic Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Accent by Abstraction / Emphasis by Abstraction

Misleading Context Fallacy / Contextomy

Logical Fallacy of Misinterpretation

The Mind Game of Playing Dumb

Logical Fallacy of Arcane Explanation

Logical Fallacy of Hyperbole

Logical Fallacy of Exaggeration / Stretching the Truth / Overstatement

Logical Fallacy of Irrelevant Thesis

Logical Fallacy of Burden of Proof / Shifting the Burden of Proof

Logical Fallacy of Demanding an Uneven Burden of Proof / Demanding Uneven Standards of Acceptance

Burden of Proof Fallacy Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Argument to Moderation / Argumentum Ad Temperantiam / Middle Ground / False Compromise

Logical Fallacy of False Fallacy / Fallacy Abuse

Logical Fallacy of Confusing an Explanation with Proof

Logical Fallacy of Moralism

Logical Fallacy of Ought-Is / Moralistic Fallacy / Moral Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Is-Ought / Is-Ought Fallacy / Arguing From Is to Ought / Is-Should Fallacy / Hume's Law / Hume's Guillotine

Naturalistic Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Notable Effort

Logical Fallacy of Political Correctness / Political Correctness Fallacy / PC Fallacy

False Compromise Fallacy

Logical Fallacy of Lip Service

Logical Fallacy of Tokenism

Logical Fallacy of Argument by Denial / Paralipsis Attack / Paralepsis / Apophasis

Diminished Responsibility Fallacy

Contrarian Argument Fallacy



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