Logical Fallacy of Four Terms
The fallacy of four terms is a formal fallacy that covers up the problem when reasoning is based on one of the three fallacies of Agrippa's trilemma. Whenever a logical fallacy is committed, the fallacy has its roots in Agrippa's trilemma. All human thought (without Divine revelation) is based on one of three unhappy possibilities. These three possibilities are infinite regress, circular reasoning, or axiomatic thinking. This problem is known as Agrippa's trilemma. Some have claimed that only logic and math can be known without Divine revelation; however, that is not true. There is no reason to trust either logic or math without Divine revelation. Science is also limited to the pragmatic because of the weakness on human reasoning, which is known as Agrippa's trilemma.
The logical fallacy of four terms occurs when a fourth term is included in a syllogism.
Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Four Terms
Major premise: "Whatever is observed is scientifically verifiable."
Minor premise: "Evolution ("Evolution" means rearranged or lost information form the cell) is observed."
Conclusion: "Therefore, Evolution ("Evolution" means the addition of new, innovative information continually over time until a single-celled life form eventually became a human being) is scientifically verifiable."
By introducing two meanings of the word, evolution, there is a fourth term introduced into the syllogism.
"Science ("Science" means the scientific observations that are made in the present regarding processes that are continuing in the present) has helped mankind in many ways including medicine, transportation, and advances in nutrition."
"Evolution is science. ("Science" means the stories about the past that are made up to interpret observations in the present in a way that eliminates the actions of God in the past)."
"Therefore, evolution has helped mankind in many ways, including medicine, transportation, and advances in nutrition."
By introducing two meanings of the word, science, there is a fourth term introduced into the syllogism.
Last updated: Sep, 2014
Bread Crumbs
Christian Witness
Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
Fallacies of Invalid Form
Fallacy of Four Terms
Toons & Vids
Formally Correct Fallacy / According to the Rules Fallacy (type of)
Logical Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent / Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle Term
Logical Fallacy of Commutation of Conditionals / Fallacy of the Consequent / Converting a Conditional
Logical Fallacy of Affirming a Disjunct / Fallacy of the Alternative Disjunct / False Exclusionary Disjunct / Affirming One Disjunct / Logical Fallacy of the Alternative Syllogism / Asserting an Alternative / Improper Disjunctive Syllogism / Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent / Inverse Error / Fallacy of the Inverse / Invalid modus tollens
Logical Fallacy of Illicit Process
Logical Fallacy of Illicit Major
Logical Fallacy of Illicit Minor
Logical Fallacy of Invalid form using All
Logical Fallacy of Invalid form using "Some"
Logical Fallacy of Unwarranted Contrast / Some Are-Some Are Not
Logical Fallacy of Denying a Conjunct
Logical Fallacy of Negative Premise / Illicit Negative / Drawing a Positive Conclusion from Negative Premises
Logical Fallacy of Drawing a Negative Conclusion from Affirmative Premises / Illicit Affirmative
Logical Fallacy of Existential Instantiation / Existential Fallacy
Fallacy of Exclusive Premises
Logical Fallacy of Four Terms
Logical Fallacy of Necessity / Felacia Necassitas
Logical Fallacy of False Conversion / Illicit Conversion
Logical Fallacy of Illicit Contraposition
Formal Logical Fallacy Illicit Substitution of Identicals / Hooded Man Fallacy / Masked Man Fallacy / Intensional Fallacy / Epistemic Fallacy / Leibniz' Law Fallacy
Formal Logical Fallacy of Confusing "if" with "if and only if"
Logical Fallacy of Negating Antecedent and Consequent / Improper Transposition
Logical Fallacy of Invalid form using "OR"
Logical Fallacy of Confusion of "Necessary" with "Sufficient" Condition
Galileo Wannabe Fallacy / Galileo Argument (Formal)
Four Terms Fallacy / Quaternio Terminorum
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