Misunderstanding the Nature of Statistics / Innumeracy
Innumeracy is one of the many smokescreens that are used to cover the fact that the reasoning is based on one of the three fallacies of Agrippa's trilemma. Whenever a logical fallacy is committed, the fallacy has its roots in Agrippa's trilemma. All human thought (without Divine revelation) is based on one of three unhappy possibilities. These three possibilities are infinite regress, circular reasoning, or axiomatic thinking. This problem is known as Agrippa's trilemma. Some have claimed that only logic and math can be known without Divine revelation; however, that is not true. There is no reason to trust either logic or math without Divine revelation. Science is also limited to the pragmatic because of the weakness on human reasoning, which is known as Agrippa's trilemma.
The Logical Fallacy of Misunderstanding the Nature of Statistics / Innumeracy occurs when any of the statistical fallacies are committed due to ignorance of the math.
Examples of the Logical Fallacy of Misunderstanding the Nature of Statistics / Innumeracy
These fallacies include the gamblers fallacy, hasty generalization, false precision, biased statistics, the ludic fallacy, and others.
Last updated: Sep, 2014
Bread Crumbs
Christian Witness
Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
Statistical Fallacies
Toons & Vids
Logical Fallacy of Misused Statistics
Misunderstanding the Nature of Statistics / Innumeracy
Clustering Illusion
Logical Fallacy of Bad Statistical Data
Logical Fallacy of Biased Statistical Method
Logical Fallacy of Biased Statistical Calculation
Logical Fallacy of Biased Conclusion from Statistics
Logical Fallacy of Biased Reporting of Statistics
Logical Fallacy of Biased Statistics / Biased Statistics / Loaded Sample / Prejudiced Statistics / Prejudiced sample / Loaded Statistics / Biased Induction / Biased Generalization / Unrepresentative Sample / Unrepresentative Generalization
Logical Fallacy of Generalizing from a Hypostatization
Logical Fallacy of Error in Sampling
Logical Fallacy of Avoiding Specific Numbers
Logical Fallacy of Fake Precision / Over Precision / False Precision / Misplaced Precision / Spurious Accuracy
Logical Fallacy of Self-Selected Biased Sample
Logical Fallacy of Comparing Two Things Statistically that are not Technically Comparable / Statistical Apples and Oranges
Logical Fallacy of Ludus / Ludic Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Fishing for Data / Data Dredging / Data Fishing / Data Snooping / Equation Fitting
Logical Fallacy of Base Rate Neglect / Base Rate Fallacy / Neglecting Base Rates / Base Rate Bias / Prosecutor's Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Isolated Examples
Logical Fallacy of Hasty Generalization / False Generalization / Glittering Generalities
Logical Fallacy of Argument from Small Numbers / Small Sample Size Bias
General Rule Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Specificity
Logical Fallacy of Overwhelming Exception
Logical Fallacy of Stereotyping
Logical Fallacy of Dicto Simpliciter / Sweeping Generalization
Gambler's Fallacy / The Monte Carlo Fallacy / The Doctrine The Maturity of Chances / Hot Hand Fallacy
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Possibility / Appeal to Probability
Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Infinite Possibilities
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
Misuse of Averages Fallacy
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