TV is one of the true trance states. It is hypnotic. The result is that the media has been able to turn the public against those who follow Christ. If the media were doing this against any other group, they would never get away with it. If they always characterized blacks, gays, or any other group as evil in their fiction, there would be an outcry. No one speaks up for Jesus even though 81% of Americans identify themselves as Christians.
It's no wonder that the liberals are sensitive and antagonistic toward Christians. For twenty years, almost the only clergy they have seen in any drama has been a diabolically evil person, a complete fool, or an unbeliever who is very nice, sincere, and compassionate and teaching a false gospel without the Savior. The wonder of fiction is that you can create unreal scenarios and make them seem like reality. If you are watching a drama at the movies or on TV and a character speaks respectfully of God, within several minutes, you will find out that the writer has crafted that character is a mad bomber, a murderer, or some other form of evil person. Ned Flanders is typical of this same type of methodology.