The Logical Fallacy of Argument by Selective Refutation occurs when several arguments have been put forward to support a given conclusion, but the strong arguments are ignored while the weak ones are refuted. This is a form of straw man. It is also a red herring.
Two people are discussing an issue that has thoroughly discussed by others. One person brings up a reason that cannot be refuted. Rather than address that reason, the other person, addresses some different, very weak reasoning that he found on a web page on this subject.
Roxanne: "God reveals plainly that He created the Heavens, Earth, sea, and everything in them is six days. He created Adam on day six, and there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,000 years between Adam and Christ, which God speaks to us about through the geneologies. So, we know that much."
Sandra: "You believe the Bible is the Word of God because the Bible says that it's the Word of God. That's circular reasoning."