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Overview of God's Pattern for the Church


This road map describes the process and pattern by which God is going to bring about the Manifestation of the Sons of God and establish His Kingdom.

You are born again into the Church and out of the world so that you can grow. You grow as the Holy Spirit conforms you to the image of Christ, your Ministry in the Body of Christ. When you are born again, God follows the same process. The Father draws you to Christ. He leads you, carefully and lovingly, to Jesus. Little by little, you acknowledge Him. When you acknowledge Him, this is respect. It is a measure of the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God's faith comes by hearing the utterance of God. Then, faith gives us access into this grace. Grace is the free gift and God's free gift comes flowing to you. When you are born again, your spirit is joined to the Spirit of God in an intimate way. You are redeemed in your spirit while your soul (which is the same as your mind or heart) is still largely in bondage. Your sins are forgiven. There is a slight change in your mind at this time, but the main change is in your spirit.

Once you are born again, this is a process that goes from glory to glory. You have now been born into the Church as a particular member. The emphasis is now on growing into Christ. The emphasis is on building yourself and the Body of Christ up to the manifestation of the sons of God. You realize that you have Christ in you. Christ in you is your ministry. He is your wisdom. He is your righteousness. He is your holiness. He is your redemption. He is your resurrection and He is your life. You have entered the river of life and now you are going out into ever deeper depths.

From this point forward, you have no identity outside of your identity in Christ the Body. You realize that your ministry was designed by God to function in submission to His Spirit and in submission to every other part of His Body. You know that Christ the Body has a specific order, and it is called to walk into a place where that order is complete with every member becoming mature in Christ and walking in submission to His government.

Personally, you are using God's process. God leads. you acknowledge Him. His faith comes. His grace does His work through you as you yield. God plants good seed in your heart (you reap what you sow), and this results in a change in what you are. The change has two parts: holiness and redemption. Holiness is sanctification, stability, or faithfulness. Redemption is being set free from sin.

You enter into personal prayer with the understanding. You are baptised in water and make a firm committment to following the Lamb of God. You get filled with the Spirit and you also pray in tongues. You receive spiritual gifs by the laying on of hands of the presbytery, then you use those spiritual gifts to build up the members of Christ the Body and to testify to those outside the Church. Those spiritual gifts become part of your ministry. You take time, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, for personal Bible study. You spend time in meditation, that is, seeking God. You discern and have love and respect for Christ the Body: the members, gifts, ministries, offices, and orders. As you see Christ the Body, you see Christ as He is and so you become like Him from glory to glory. You realize who you are in Christ, and you realize that you are looking into the perfect law of liberty. Suffering and persecution become things that you endure with joy. You yield the fruit of the Spirit and live a holy life. To do God's will is all your joy. You are set free from the influence of the devil, the culture, and your own fleshly nature. As you yield to the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit leads you into His order for the Home, for the Local Church, and for the Church Universal.

In the home, the husband acts as elder and the wife as deacon. Together, they govern the home by God's process. God leads. they acknowledge Him. His faith comes. His grace does His work through them as they yield. God plants good seed in their hearts and in the hearts of the children, and this results in a change in what they are. The change has two parts: holiness and redemption.

There is love in the home. The husband loves his wife and gives himself for her. The wife respects her husband and submits herself to him. The children experience the supernatural love in their parents. The children walk in that same love between each other. When decisions are made, the husband and wife talk together and pray that God reveal to them the decision that they should make. They look to God for mutual leading in everything. There is order in the home. There is no place for unresolved conflict in the home. It is the order of Scripture, not the order proposed by the culture. Every member in the home is built up by that which every joint supplies. The joints are those places between the members. There is a daily devotion, a family alter. This is a daily service where the Holy Spirit leads and every member has a part. There is a continual flowing of the Holy Anointing (the Holy Spirit) in the home. The children receive teaching in every situation continuously. The family gives tithes and offerings to the local church. They engage in hospitality. They have a ministry to the unsaved.

In the local church, the local elders are set by traveling elders and deacons (apostles). Local elders are selected by the indication of the Holy Spirit. There is no singular local elder. There is no preeminent local elder. The local elders are in submission to each other. Deacons share in this spiritual ministry in submission to the elders. Together, they govern the local Church by God's process. When decisions are made, the elders talk together and pray that God reveal to them the decision that they should make. They look to God for mutual leading in everything. If no answer is obvious to all the elders, then they bring the question to the traveling elders, the apostles. God leads. They acknowledge Him. His faith comes. His grace does His work through them as they yield. God plants good seed in their hearts and in the hearts of the children, and this results in a change in what they are. The change has two parts: holiness and redemption.

There is love in the local church. There is love and respect between the members of the local Church. They submit to each other because they discern Christ in each other. This is that same supernatural love as the love that is in the homes of the local Church. There is order in the Church. There is a weekly service on Sunday where the Holy Spirit leads and every member has a part. The Church service follows the pattern of Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 14. There is no place for unresolved conflict in the Church. It is the order of Scripture, not the order proposed by the so-called "churches" found in the culture. Every member in the local Church is built up by that which every joint supplies. The joints are those places between the members. There is a continual flowing of the Holy Anointing (the Holy Spirit) in the local Church. The local elders and deacons administer the financial matters of the local Church according to the pattern of Scripture. The Church is financed by tithes and offerings. The members of the local Church engage in hospitality among themselves and toward anyone who visits the local meeting. The local Church has a ministry as a Body to the unsaved. There are Bible studies, sing-alongs, and prayer meetings. There is corporate prayer. The order of the head covering is in effect. The orders of communion, footwashing, baptisms, and the anointing with oil by the elders for healing are in effect. There is revelation, prophecy, tongues and interpretation, and teaching in the local Church. The elders teach no doctrine other than the apostle's doctrine.

In the Church Universal, the apostles, both traveling elders and traveling deacons, are set by those apostles who were set previously. Apostles are selected by the indication of the Holy Spirit. There is no independent apostle. There is no preeminent apostle, no chief revelator. The apostles are in submission to each other. Traveling deacons share in this spiritual ministry in submission to the traveling elders. Together, they govern the Church Universal by God's process. When decisions are made, the traveling elders talk together and pray that God reveal to them the decision that they should make. They look to God for mutual leading in everything. If no answer is obvious to all the traveling elders, then they leave it with God. There is no way to force God to reveal anything before it is time. There is no place for speculation. God leads. They acknowledge Him. His faith comes. His grace does His work through them as they yield. God plants good seed in their hearts and in the hearts of all who walk in submission to them, and this results in a change in what they are. The change has two parts: holiness and redemption.

The ministry gifts are seen in the apostles: prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Apostles lay the foundation for the Church. The Apostles receive the revelation, the interpretation, of Scripture, and they establish the doctrine. The apostles set local elders and deacons as the Holy Spirit indicates. The apostles impart the Spiritual gifts by the laying on of their hands and prophecy. They set ministries. The apostles are in unity with each other. They are in submission to each other. Every apostle is under the government of Christ and of every other apostle. They discern the authority of Christ in each other.

There is love in the Church Universal. There is love and respect between the members of the Church Universal. They submit to each other because they discern Christ in each other. This is that same supernatural love as the love that is in the local Churches. There is order in the Church Universal. There are regional camps, the traveling of the camps, where the Holy Spirit leads and every member has a part. In these meetings, the apostles deliver those teachings that God is emphasising to the Church Universal. The meetings follow the pattern of Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 14. There is no place for unresolved conflict in the Church Universal. The Church Universal follows the order of Scripture, not the order proposed by the so-called "churches" found in the culture. Every member in the Church Universal is built up by that which every joint supplies. The joints are those places between the members. There is a continual flowing of the Holy Anointing (the Holy Spirit) in the Church Universal. The traveling elders and deacons administer the financial matters of the Church Universal according to the pattern of Scripture. The Church is financed by tithes and offerings that are taken up in the local assemblies. Sometimes, special offerings are made at the regional camp meetings. The members of the Church Universal engage in hospitality among themselves and toward anyone who visits the regional meetings. The Church Universal has a ministry as a Body to the unsaved. There are Bible studies, sing-alongs, and times of prayer in camps. There is corporate prayer. The order of the head covering is in effect. The orders of communion, baptisms, and the anointing with oil by the elders for healing are in effect. There is revelation, prophecy, tongues and interpretation, and teaching in the local Church. The traveling elders do not advance their own doctrines, but they teach no doctrine other than the apostle's doctrine--that doctrine on which they all agree.

When everything is in complete unity with God's will and built according to God's Pattern as He gave it in Scripture, the Body and the Head (Jesus) will be joined as one totally complete man. This is the manifestation or the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.


Last updated: Apr, 2015
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Overview of God's Pattern for the Church

God's Order for the Home

God's Pattern for the Local Church

God's Order for the Church Universal



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