Can these be counterfeited?
Yes. Every gift of God can be and is counterfeited by the human mind and by powers and principalities. Even salvation itself is counterfeited. Worship is counterfeited. The Bible is counterfeited with false translations. Ministries are counterfeited. Healing is counterfeited. Miracles are counterfeited. Prophecy is counterfeited. Tongues are counterfeited. And, of course, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are counterfeited. This makes the real no less real, but, in all these things, God's people need discernment. God's people need to read and understand the Scripture as it relates to gifts of the Spirit and apostlic ministries. There is a lot of counterfeiting going on. There was a day when no one talked about apostles. Now they're popping up behind every fence post.
That doesn't make the real any less real.
Last updated: Dec, 2011
Bread Crumbs
The Pattern
Pattern Overview
Gifts, Offices, Ministries Counterfeited?
Toons & Vids
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What is God's plan for building the church?
How can the church come to the full glory God has planned for her?
Is there really any pattern in Scripture for the Church? Yes. Most people don't like it.
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How do works that are by faith relate to seeing Christ in each other and being transfigured by the Holy Spirit?
The Reality of Christ, the Head of the Body
The Spiritual Gifts and Ministry Gifts
What do the Scriptures teach how God designed the Church?
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Fulfillment Through Understanding and Practicing The Power and Authority Of Righteous Prayer
What is God's way of bringing the Church to unity and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ?
The Will of God
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Fulfillment: Understanding What It Is To Be a Christian and Understanding Christianity
Can Spiritual Gifts, Offices, And Ministries Be Counterfeited?
Are All Who Call Themselves Christians Free from Religious Systems of this Age?
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Why is the 5-fold ministry of the Scripture so unpopular?
What is Great Babylon and How is it Falling Today?
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What Happened To the Church that It No Longer Follows the Biblical Pattern?
Questions and Answers: Isn't God's way like a smorgasbord where you can pick and choose what you want or don't want? No.
Misconceptions About the Church
Questions and Answers: What is the Church; How should it be governed?
Questions and Answers: What is the role of the deacons in this situation?
The Church, What Is It and What Is Its Purpose
Answer to Critic
Appeal to Possibility
Circular Reasoning
Argument to the Future
Insignificant Cause
Word Magic
Love Between a Man and Woman
Colossians 2
Righteousness & Holiness
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Proof by Atheism
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Genuine Authority
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How Do You Know?
The Real Purpose of the Church
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From Glory to Glory
REAL Faith--What it IS & IS NOT
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How to be Led by God
How to Witness
Wisdom: Righteousness & Reality
Holiness & Mind/Soul
Redemption: Free From Sin
Real Reality
Stories Versus Revelation
Understanding Logic
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God's Word
God's Process
God's Pattern
Mind Designed to Relate to God
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Twisting History
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That's the real question