The Useful Lie: The Fictitious 1% Difference Between Human Genes and Monkey Genes.
The Fictitious 1% Difference Between Human Genes and Monkey Genes
It is now clear that Darwinists have been caught in a bald lie that has hoodwinked the world for over 30 years. The lie is this: "There is a 1% difference between the human gene and the genes of a monkey."
Gagneux says, "For many, many years, the 1% difference served us [Darwinists] well." The Darwin Party, the dogmatists who shamelessly lied to advance their agenda, they have tried to make humans and chimpanzees appear as similar as possible.
After 32 years of telling the same "useful lie," some of the Darwinists have finally admitted that it is a lie. Of course, they show no remorse. They are just disappointed that the time of the effectiveness of the lie has run out. You see, under Evolutionism, there is no right or wrong. There are only winners and losers.
Well, some of the abortion pushers have also admitted to some of their useful lies that they used to get Roe v. Wade throught the Supreme Court, but they just chuckle and say, "We won."