Do creationists really believe the obvious--that everything didn't just come into being by random chance?
There is a cult on the campuses, in the media, in the governments of the world, and among the people. It is a deranged mind to go against the obvious. Creation is obvious. Nothing creates itself. The reason that it is obvious and that you know and that no one has an excuse is that God has shown you and everyone else.
Romans 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has showed it to them. 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: You see? You know because God has showed it to you and to all of us.
Random events never lead to an increase in information and organization. You hardly have to light a candle to see the sun, and God is obvious in the things that He has created. Only a fool would say otherwise. Evolution has a troubling information problem.
(Read the latest science on the subject: Without Excuse by Werner Gitt, a description of the scientific Laws of Universal Information. See also: Information Theory Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Here is another interesting article.) More is constantly being learned about information and about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolutionists tend to hide in the weeds of the unknown with an argument from ignorance: "If you can't prove, by empirical science, that evolution is impossible, then it happened." By empirical science alone, we can only prove probabilities. The probabilities show the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story to be a bazaar hypothesis, a story that is so improbable that it should not be considered. However, empirical science is not a tool that can prove anything to be true or false absolutely. For absolute proof, we have revelation. (See Basic and Concise Guide to Practical, Useful Logic and Reasoning). God says that He created everything. He is the One Who enforces the laws of nature. He is the One Who will judge all of us in the end. We know that because we know Him presonally through the indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ and the moment-by-moment instruction of the Holy Spirit.
You have got to see this.
The giraffe illusion is a perfect example. If you stare at the square for a minute, a giraffe will appear every time. Everyone sees it, just like those who deny God are without excuse because God is obvious. You can deny that you see it, but there it is. Creation illustration: amazing giraffe illusion.