A long time ago, Adam lost a battle. He was taken captive by evil king Satan. As with any conquered nation, Adam's children remained citizens of the kingdom of Satan. Satan isn't a good king. When Adam sinned, he became a slave of Satan because of a spiritual principle: Whoever you yield yourself as slave to obey, that's whose slave you are, and the son of a slave is a slave unless someone sets the slave free. Someone must redeem the slave or the slave remains a slave (1 Peter 1:18 -23). That's why Jesus came, lived a perfect life never disobeying the Father and never obeying Satan, died on the cross for our sin, rose again from the dead, and He ascended into heaven. That is why He comes and lives in our hearts if we are willing to accept Him. What a wonderful salvation!
We are involved in a war, and a lot of people don't even know it. This is as spiritual war and the weapons of our warfare are spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). It is the war between the truth and the many lies. It is the war between the devil, the world, and our sinful flesh on the one side, and God, the Church, and the living Christ or ministry within us on the other side. In our spirits, we have been set free, but their is a battle for our souls. Jesus told Pilot that anyone who is on the side of truth listens to Him.
The first step
Last updated: Oct, 2011
Bread Crumbs
The Process
Wisdom: Righteousness & Reality
How to be Righteous
The Road
Battle & War
Toons & Vids
Take Ground, Hold Ground, and Total Freedom in Christ
Doing Right Things Right By the Right Spirit--yielding
The Battle And The War
Going From Doing Right Things Right To Ever-increasing Glory To Total Fulfillment
We Are Not Talking About A Worldview.
God's Way
The Truth And The Many Misconceptions About Righteousness
How Do I Do the Works of God?
Don't Be Fooled By The Many False Promises Of The Worldly Systems And All Their Empty Promises
Yielding Our Eyes And Our Tongues To The Holy Spirit
We Need The Church
The First Fruits Company Are Not Superior--Just First
Answer to Critic
Appeal to Possibility
Circular Reasoning
Argument to the Future
Insignificant Cause
Word Magic
Love Between a Man and Woman
Colossians 2
Righteousness & Holiness
Don't Compromise
Proof by Atheism
Scriptures About Marriage
Genuine Authority
The Reason for Rejecting Truth
Witness on the Internet
Flaky Human Reasoning
How Do You Know?
The Real Purpose of the Church
The Real Purpose of Life
From Glory to Glory
REAL Faith--What it IS & IS NOT
REAL Love--What it IS & IS NOT
How to be Led by God
How to Witness
Wisdom: Righteousness & Reality
Holiness & Mind/Soul
Redemption: Free From Sin
Real Reality
Stories Versus Revelation
Understanding Logic
Logical Fallacies
Circular Reasoning-Who is Guilty?
How Can We Know Anything?
God's Word
God's Process
God's Pattern
Mind Designed to Relate to God
Answers for the Confused
Fossil Record Says: "Creation"
Avoid These Pitfalls
Public School's Religion
Twisting Science
Public School Failures
Twisting History
How can we know anything about anything?
That's the real question