There Is No Evidence Of So-Called Evolutionary Links Between Kinds Of Living Things |
If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this. Evidence that Wasn't ThereLast night I saw upon the stair Science shows us that there are NO undisputed transitional forms. There are about half a dozen very disputable transitional forms. If Evolution were "fact" as Evolutionists claim, there should be millions of transitional forms between each kind of animal. There are NONE. The evidence overwhelmingly points to the fact that God really put in a lot of information into living things originally so that we can have so much information to draw from. There is a new science of baraminology that is classifying living things and noting that there is not one tree of life but rather a forest of trees that are disconnected from each other at the roots--just like as if they were created kinds. What a surprise! "What makes the question complex is that in place of the countless thousands of transitional forms expected (as Darwin logically indicated should be found, and anticipated would be found in future), there exists at any point in time a handful of candidates, i.e. fossils put forward as transitional forms by evolutionary proponents. [Note: By 'transitional forms' is meant here fossils showing intermediate stages between major evolutionary transitions, i.e. from one kind of creature to a wholly different kind. For example, stages in the supposed transition of a walking reptile to a flying bird, nothing which creationists could regard as variation/speciation within a kind. Some evolutionists argue that we have countless thousands of transitional fossils, but they empty the term 'transitional fossil' of any content really meaningful for the creation-evolution debate. They define a fossil as 'transitional' in the same sense that a car is 'transitional' between a unicycle and a truck. That is not in view here.] Creationists by definition would argue that there are none, so to evolutionists this is seen as 'proof'. From a creation perspective, though, consider the following:" Go to for the rest of this article. There is no compelling evidence anywhere that evolution actually happened. If you are only presented with one side or if you really don't want God to control your life, then evolution is merely an unprovable story that is designed to compete with what God says through Scripture. There is a lot of coercion. Evolutionists want to ignore the evidence that God has provided. God condemns them. Their condemnation is just. "When evolution is seen as a storytelling game rather than a serious attempt at scientific explanation, it suddenly makes sense." - See more at: Continue to walk in the Spirit, followers of Christ. Don't be frustrated by believing the lies of the enemy of your soul. Continue to walk toward the fulfillment that is yours in Christ Jesus. "The list of evidences that were supposed to validate man's evolutionary ascent from "lower" life forms has been expunged by decades of good scientific research." Of course, Natural Selection is real and it works to eliminate severe mutations. Most mutations aren't detrimental enough, however, for Natural Selection to operate. Small mutations can build up in a population over time and cause extinction. It is illegitimate to use Natural Selection to support Evolution. Natural Selection supports a young Earth and a Creator. "Remember this tendency from order to disorder applies to all real processes. Real processes include, of course, biological and geological processes, as well as chemical and physical processes. The interesting question is: "How does a real biological process, which goes from order to disorder, result in evolution, which goes from disorder to order?" Perhaps the evolutionist can ultimately find an answer to this question, but he at least should not ignore it, as most evolutionists do. Especially is such a question vital, when we are thinking of evolution as a growth process on the grand scale from atom to Adam and from particle to people. This represents an absolutely gigantic increase in order and complexity, and is clearly out of place altogether in the context of the Second Law." The Evolutionists will tell you a half truth about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Evolutionists will tell the half truth: "The Second Law of Thermodynamics only applies to isolated systems, so it's not relevant to evolution, because the Earth is an open system." This is a clever lie. Here is the part of the truth that they are withholding: the Second Law of Thermodynamics was derived using theoretical isolated systems, but it applies to all systems, and can only be overcome locally and temporarily in open systems when stringent conditions are met. Not only that, but we are not talking about the Earth. The Earth is just a subsystem of a much larger system called the Universe. The Universe is an isolated system. Evolutionists claim that Evolution took place in this isolated system, but the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that their story is a myth. More information on the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be found here & here & here & here & here God forbids speculation. Think about the difference between dogmatic speculation and a lie. There is no difference. A lie is an abomination. It makes no difference whether the speculations are made about the Bible, the Creation, or both, they are lies. And many speculations are made about the Bible. There are many speculations to try to fit Evolution into the Bible. Evolution is a speculation that doesn't fit what we can observe in the Creation. Trying to fit it into the Bible involves so much speculation that many Christian Evolutionists have recommended considering parts of the Bible to be untrue. God forbids making speculations about Creation or about the Bible or about God, Himself. God reveals to us what we need to know. Speculation just causes division. Since many have speculated that the Creation we see around us is in conflict with the Bible, scientists who believe the Bible to be true have created models, and the purpose of these models is to show possible ways that the Creation could be explained by the Bible. These are models and are not to be taken dogmatically. Any projection about the age of the Earth that goes beyond what the Bible specifically says are speculations. Even to dogmatically claim that we know for sure that the age of the Earth is about 6,000 years is speculative because it claims a universal negative. It claims that there cannot possibly be something that God didn't tell us. On the other hand, all of the scientific ways of guessing the age of the Earth or the Universe are not scientific at all but are based on circular reasoning. That means that to give any strong weight to them is to believe a made-up story, a lie. To try to insert billions of years into Scripture has caused two other problems. One is the "death before sin" issue. The other is the proving too much issue that results in a removal of all Biblical authority on any subject. In the same way, the many stories of Evolution are made-up stories. They are not scientific and they conflict with the clear teachings of Scripture. They are speculations. God forbids speculation. These four videos deal with the age of the Earth in the light of new research:
Bible, God, theology
Biology (creation vs evolution)
Creation: relevance to Christianity, society and science
Geology, the Flood, the Ice Age and the age of the earth
Author/Compiler Last updated: Nov, 2013 Science Shows Us That There Are No Transitional Forms, Disproving Evolutionism's Stories Evolution Has Long Been Debunked. Evolutionists Will Not Let Go Because They Don't Want God. Archaeopteryx was not a transitional form What part did zeal play in the misrepresentation of Ramapithecus? Why wasn't the Nebraska Man an example of a transitional form? Why was Java Man not evidence for evolution? How did Homo Erectus prove to be another example of evolutionistic wishful thinking? How did Homo Habilis prove the weakness of scientists in jumping to conclusions? How did scientists withhold facts to give a false impression regarding Australopithecine? Neanderthal Man Does Not Support Evolution How did the creativity of scientists and artists lead to the Cro-Magnon Man error? Australopithecus Afarensis, or Lucy--The Difference Between Science and Fantasy? Cave Man What can we expect in the future from those who are committed to evolution as a dogma? Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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